Graphic Quality & Lag ?

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Graphic Quality & Lag ?

Postby testo » 07 Dec 2013, 19:43

Online match will never be a pleasure for a big part of players due to internet connection quality

i don't count the number of matchs with 10% lags, several tens of micro-freeze, hight delay and strange opponent behaviour, desync, ....

Is it possible to have a low graphic quality for online game ? From my side, i had already put low level but it could be interesting that the server force the 2 players to a low level of graphic quality (for example)
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Re: Online games : ....

Postby manutoo » 08 Dec 2013, 05:17


graphic quality has about 0 influence on Internet lag ; issue is most of times with Internet congestion, and/or distance with your opponent, and/or with people who forget to close downloading program on their PC.
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Re: Online games : ....

Postby testo » 08 Dec 2013, 09:40


No influence ? But there is a data flow between the 2 computer ? this is just the coordinate of the ball & player move ?
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Graphic Quality & Lag ?

Postby manutoo » 09 Dec 2013, 05:27

Only controllers' info transits by Internet...
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Re: Graphic Quality & Lag ?

Postby Nigogu » 18 Dec 2013, 21:58

What happens if someone has a bad PC, and the fps goes down in HIS computer during an online game :?:
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Re: Graphic Quality & Lag ?

Postby manutoo » 19 Dec 2013, 05:07

if the Delay was set high enough (ie: on Auto), it might show nothing on the opponent's PC, else it might have some turtles.
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Re: Graphic Quality & Lag ?

Postby testo » 26 Dec 2013, 09:55

I really think there is a link between the % lag and the % 1st serve

I noticed that:
- with < 3% lag : 60-70% 1st serve
- with >= 3% lag : < 60 up to 45%

why ?
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Gaming Since: 21 Jan 2009, 22:18
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Re: Graphic Quality & Lag ?

Postby Sorana » 26 Dec 2013, 19:17

seb , your name should be '' seb lag '' :)))))

*-no offense
Between the few players with real doubles skills on this tour..



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Re: Graphic Quality & Lag ?

Postby testo » 26 Dec 2013, 22:18

Sorana Cirstea wrote:seb , your name should be '' seb lag '' :)))))

*-no offense

happy for you if you have never lag pb but lag really kill my game...
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Graphic Quality & Lag ?

Postby manutoo » 27 Dec 2013, 04:47

if there's some lag during your serve, it'll have big chance to mess up your left/right aiming, and thus you'll aim too much to the left/right & do a fault.
== Mana Games ==

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