ELO Penalty due to retirement

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ELO Penalty due to retirement

Postby campa100anni » 02 Nov 2013, 13:05

I think players shouldn't receive an ELO Penalty if they retire during the first or second game of the match. A lot of times I start a match against someone else but, as soon as we start, we got a lot of desync and lag problems that make it almost impossible to play a normal match. So, when I see that no match can be played I am forced to retire, not because I dont wanna lose or I just wanna be nasty, but literally because I tried five times to play the same point but alway got a Desync and had to restart it from scratch. In those cases I think I shouldn't get an ELO penalty, it's not that I wanted to retire, it's just that I had to. If you set up a five setter and, after one point, you realize that the lag is too high to play, you are almost forced to continue a match that is going to last 2-3 hours just because it's gonna take five minutes for each point, otherwise you are gonna get a penalty. It doesn't even always happen. Sometimes I get penalty, sometimes I don't.

One more thing that according to me would be very usefull is a countdown everytime that a player stops the play to check the menus during online matches. A lot of player use to stop the game so often and for so long that they are very annoying. It would be great if anytime that a player stops the game (for chat, or menus doesn't matter) a timer would decrease the time (let's assume that a player has 3 minutes "free time" for match). That will force the nasty players not to stop the game too often just because of phone, or checking facebook, or going to drink, or going to toilet, or just to try to get you annoyed hoping that you quit.
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: ELO Penalty due to retirement

Postby Raz » 02 Nov 2013, 19:04

ofcourse players should receive elo penalty upon retirement. Imagine they wouldnt? everyone would just give up after a break.. . You're probably not a good player, but I break 90% of the players in the first game, they would all retire cos they have nothing to lose. and you can always see your opponent's ping before you accept him and play the match. so if the ping is too high, just reject him, big deal.
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Re: ELO Penalty due to retirement

Postby manutoo » 03 Nov 2013, 05:22

1- you don't lose ELO if you're leading the score, or if there's equality, when you quit ; alternatively, you can ask your opponent to quit or to cancel your ELO penalty

2- You have 75 seconds max to spend in menus, + 3s every point, always capped to 75s ; you can always close the chat on your side, so there's no time cap for this one
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Re: ELO Penalty due to retirement

Postby navin.israni » 03 Nov 2013, 13:30

manu - I don't think any one is considerate enough to cancel the penalty.. plus many of them don't understand English..

and I agree with the original poster.. some players swap apps and spend time in the menus a lot.. it gets very irritating.. menus have a cap, that's fine.. but what about constant app swappers?
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Re: ELO Penalty due to retirement

Postby manutoo » 04 Nov 2013, 05:03

tell them to stop and if they don't, give them bad reputation.
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Re: ELO Penalty due to retirement

Postby campa100anni » 16 Feb 2014, 19:05

manutoo wrote:campa100anni,
1- you don't lose ELO if you're leading the score, or if there's equality, when you quit ; alternatively, you can ask your opponent to quit or to cancel your ELO penalty

question for manutoo. if I dont lose ELO due to retirement if I'm leading the score, why did I get penaity here? (see file attached) :aureola:
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crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: ELO Penalty due to retirement

Postby manutoo » 17 Feb 2014, 04:09

1/0 0/30 is not leading, it's seen as 1/1, which is counted as 2 games, thus you can't quit anymore without penalty...
== Mana Games ==

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Re: ELO Penalty due to retirement

Postby campa100anni » 17 Feb 2014, 14:22

ok, got it
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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