Retiring players x Starting new players in career

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Retiring players x Starting new players in career

Postby Tony Fernandez » 15 Mar 2024, 01:33

I´m about to start my first career save but before doing so I would like to clarify something considering the "FirstYear" and "RankperYear" information at my .ini file:

If I start my career in 2000 and I have a player in my players.ini file which "FirstYear" is 2001 does it mean that this character will automatically appear in the rankings when I start on my second year??

And more importantly if a player´s "FirstYear" is for example 1995 and he has only 6 "RankperYear" entries does it mean that ate the end of 2000 (my first year on the save) he is going to automatically retire and disappear from the rankins?

If above is not the case how does players retirements and newgens works along the career years?

Tony Fernandez
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Re: Retiring players x Starting new players in career

Postby manutoo » 15 Mar 2024, 08:00


1) Yes, and actually, he should be visible as a Junior in 2000

2) Yes
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Re: Retiring players x Starting new players in career

Postby Tony Fernandez » 15 Mar 2024, 17:26

Thnks Manu,

So If I´m intending to play my save for 25 years starting in 2020 it means I should go to my .ini file and insert at least 25 values (entries) in "RankperYear" for each and every player otherwise they will all retire in a couple of years, even if they are young? Is there any other way around this?

Also, is this something I have to do before starting the save or I can do year-by-year inserting new values in the .ini file without corrupting my save?
Tony Fernandez
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Re: Retiring players x Starting new players in career

Postby manutoo » 16 Mar 2024, 07:29

In fictional years (ie: 2023 onward), players will get random rankings and will retire eventually when they're old.

You can add manually some rankings if you want to be sure to have a player very well ranked. You can do that at any time as long as the player is still not retired in your career.

However, you cannot add a rank for a real year without invalidating your current save games.
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Re: Retiring players x Starting new players in career

Postby Tony Fernandez » 22 Mar 2024, 01:25

Hey Manu, I noticed every time I start a new career there are some 17 years old random generated players in the rankings with very high skills which I can´t edit or remove in the players.ini file, as they are not there.

Is there any way to avoid those to be generated?

Additionally is there a way to play only with professional tour - no junior tour?

Tony Fernandez
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Re: Retiring players x Starting new players in career

Postby manutoo » 22 Mar 2024, 06:49

1) Could you send me a Bug Report while looking at the Character Sheet of such player ? (HowTo => topic5-31732.php )

2) No, it's not possible
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Re: Retiring players x Starting new players in career

Postby Tony Fernandez » 22 Mar 2024, 16:48

Just sent you 3 examples of 17 yo players ramdomly generated in the rankings with very high skills and not present in the .ini file so I could at least edit them in very low ranking in "rankperyear" as to avoid them to beat almost everybody. (by the way I tried to restart the career many times but those (random) 17 yo are always there.

Additionally sent a bug as almost all the players flags in character sheet and scoreboards are wrong even that I have all nationalities correct in the .ini file

Thank you/Merci/Grazie!
Tony Fernandez
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Re: Retiring players x Starting new players in career

Postby manutoo » 23 Mar 2024, 12:02

1) Ok, there was an issue when having manually entered rankings in the player base for the fictional years, it's now fixed for the next update, thanks to your report ! :yes:

2) For the flags, did you change country codes ? If so, read the "Country Codes" section here : topic11-31376.php .
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Re: Retiring players x Starting new players in career

Postby Tony Fernandez » 23 Mar 2024, 20:06

1) You´re welcome, so is there any way to fix this on my current save or should I start a new career? And if I have to start a new career can I already do so or should I wait for the next update (if this is the case when is expected to be done)?

2) I never changed the country codes, just followed the original abbreviations. Every time I edir outfits and copy/paste to the .ini file I also change the flag (in character´s screen) but I understand this is not effective in this way
Tony Fernandez
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Re: Retiring players x Starting new players in career

Postby manutoo » 24 Mar 2024, 08:02

1) Yes, you should wait for the next update ; I'm not sure when I'll do it, but it should be in less than 2 weeks (or you can start to play in 2019 instead of 2020)

2) If I use your Player base, Isner flag is USA, and not Australia like on your Modded game ; check everything coz you likely messed up something :fear:
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Re: Retiring players x Starting new players in career

Postby Tony Fernandez » 02 Apr 2024, 20:14

Hey manu after some hours of playing I have that:

1. Started a new career in 2019 instead of 2020 and perfectly worked. no random AI generated players. Check
2. The problem is actually with the scoreboards as in character´s sheet the flag is correct. When the game starts the correct scoreboard is not loading correctly for some reason (e.g. playing australian open is loading the davis cup scoreboard instead, and the flags are always AUS x Canada no matter who is playing. Any guesses on what could I do to fix it?

3. I guess this is easy for you to explain me: What can I actually edit in the .ini file without losing my career save? Can I edit player names, edit and include "rankperyear" data in fictional years (after 2023) and edit stats? What is best solution to keep my save updated with real players between editing existing players names and nationality or adding a new player ion the .ini file?

Many thanks
Tony Fernandez
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Re: Retiring players x Starting new players in career

Postby manutoo » 03 Apr 2024, 06:24

2) If you have installed Stef's scoreboard, ask Stef ; if you only have the XKT Mod, then ask in the XKT topic (or discord). In both cases, be sure to have the latest version of the Mod. (and backup your players.ini before updating)

3) You should not add a RankPerYear during the real years, or remove a player ; you can add a player at the end of the base only if you lower FreePlayerSlots by 1 (assuming the MaxPlayer is correct, which might not be in the XKT Mod)
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