Comments about Build 78

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Re: Tennis Elbow 2011 v1.0c

Postby Maxy » 10 Jan 2012, 20:44

Jelena Jankovic wrote:The game is a pure s*it now, face the truth. Playing with higher delay in order not to have lag in the game is totally stupid, I played with 184ms and still had lag, while my connection was fine, I didn't have the opportunity either to defend or attack. Then it is easy for opponent to come to the net and to volley. Bravo.

I am not satisfied too, but slowly getting used to.
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Re: Tennis Elbow 2011 v1.0c

Postby Maria Sharapova M.S. » 10 Jan 2012, 21:10

Manu pls very a lot of errors when we serve,aare a little out but isnt cry out!!!
Are very often this problem.
Pls fixed it!! :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Re: Tennis Elbow 2011 v1.0c

Postby adner » 10 Jan 2012, 22:37

I think this version is very good, the game is smooth and fine.
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Re: Tennis Elbow 2011 v1.0c

Postby manutoo » 11 Jan 2012, 06:04

when the ping is high, it'll have some issues, it's inevitable. I balanced between the input dead zone (ie: input doesn't have any effect for a few instants just before you hit the ball) and the ball & opponent jerkiness... If I lower one, it'll raise the other one, and vice versa.

Jelena Jankovic,
if you have lag, you should see the Turtle icon. If you see it, it means you connection with your opponent isn't good. I didn't change anything in the under layer of the network code, so there's nothing different with the older version. What's news is that you can put an higher delay with less consequences on the gameplay, and thus play with less lag for the same ping. If ping has peaks above the Delay, it'll lag anyway, same than before, there's no magic.

Maria Sharapova M.S.,
you likely installed a Mod that makes the ball trace smaller.

I throughly checked the sensibility, coz I felt it was different as well, but actually, it isn't. It's really same than offline mode. If we feel it's different from older online version, I think it's coz now we can stand closer of the baseline which makes the left/right aiming faster, but it's the same than when playing offline against the CPU.
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Re: Comments about Buil 78

Postby The Potro » 15 Jan 2012, 02:37

volleying is still very difficult :(
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Re: Comments about Build 78

Postby Guest » 17 Jan 2012, 21:34

Hi Manu, not sure what is up but I have 'save game and quit'ed a few times in a davis cup tie and each team I go back it loads 0 - 0 first set when it should be in the third.....


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