Tennis Elbow 2013

General discussions about the 3rd edition of Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow 2013

Postby Paul Tiplady » 20 Jan 2022, 17:52

Manu. You have created the best Tennis game ever. I have been playing TE13 for many years. TE4 I know has still some work to do, but you have been so dedicated to this game. I have tried many updates that people have done. I am afraid to say that they are seriously bugged. I have always used 'Patch Maxou 2016' because it is very stable and works great. So, I will continue to play my Tour on TE13, it still has the great players in there. I am so grateful for what you have done for Tennis on the PC. The gameplay is the best. Thankyou Mate. Love from UK
Paul Tiplady
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Gaming Since: 20 Jan 2022, 17:44

Re: Tennis Elbow 2013

Postby manutoo » 21 Jan 2022, 09:45


thanks for the praise ! :jap:

I'm not sure, but do you mean that you tried to install on TE4 some Mods created for TE2013 ? If so, it's normal they don't work well, as many things have changed.

So far, there's almost no Mod available for TE4, and no all-in-one mod at all.
== Mana Games ==

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