Slower gameplay

General discussions about the 3rd edition of Tennis Elbow

Slower gameplay

Postby NiskiFantom » 25 May 2018, 01:44

Heello guys! I love this game, but is there a way, to slow down game speed? in tennis.ini or court.ini? It really bothers me. Game is pretty fast, and Ai is returning my shots pretty fast :D I would be glad if i could make game speed like in this video , or this one Thank You!
tennis curious
Messages: 2
Gaming Since: 25 May 2018, 01:39

Re: Slower gameplay

Postby manutoo » 25 May 2018, 06:53


it's the camera focal that makes you feel the game is slower. You can achieve such focal with the 3D courts by fiddling with the camera settings.

Additionally, you can lower the "Friction" value in the Court.ini to slow down the ball on bounce.
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Slower gameplay

Postby NiskiFantom » 25 May 2018, 09:52

Thank you so much! I will try with friction value! :D
tennis curious
Messages: 2
Gaming Since: 25 May 2018, 01:39

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