Was wondering exactly how the ratings are calculated by the game in regards to the players.ATP file player ratings and Rankings?
(1) How is it calculated?
(2) Is it different for Season mode and Career mode?
(3) In the Tennis Configuration file under [WT_Static] what does the Norm1st = 90, Norm100th = 45, NormLast = 5 exactly do?
(4) In Maxou's ATP2016 mod in gamesys file [RankingATP] there is a InitPointDivAdd = 4.0 what exactly does it do?
Sorry for all the questions but was doing my own ratings for the players.ATP file and without knowing exactly how the game does it's calculating it really is impossible. I read the manual but would love to figure out is how the game calculates the ratings based off of their ratings in players.ATP file and their rankings.
Thanks for any info you can give me and awesome game by the way. Hope the next one is even more realistic.
Also please allow us to view the real tennis match of our player(s) in Tennis Elbow Manager 2.