Timing of animations with ball strike

General discussions about the 3rd edition of Tennis Elbow

Timing of animations with ball strike

Postby CC » 20 Jan 2009, 19:18

I apologize if I have asked this same question in a variety of ways before. The problem is similar, but before there were things like animations being truncated, etc. Here, it seems to be just a problem of timing of the animations (which are not truncated) with the striking of the ball. I was playing Nadal, and he served and then moved right in for a volley (which did not go well for me). He had plenty of time to strike the ball correctly, as my return was not hard. Here are the images:

This is as he is hitting the ball -- such a gap between his racket and the ball:

It seems like once when I asked about this type of issue, maybe Manutoo said that this part of the game is pretty much fixed as it is costly to change, but I'm not sure.
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crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Timing of animations with ball strike

Postby CC » 21 Jan 2009, 05:55

I was looking at this issue again while playing, and maybe this is the same thing as Manutoo said before, where the animations are the same regardless of the height of the ball, etc. It is not as apparent while playing as it is on replay. So, if this is the same issue, I'm sorry.
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crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Timing of animations with ball strike

Postby manutoo » 21 Jan 2009, 06:38

yup, it's same matter than last time... ;)
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Re: Timing of animations with ball strike

Postby CC » 21 Jan 2009, 16:24

OK. There is another thing. You said about the drop shot issue that onces the animation has started say for a forehand drop shot when I was trying to get into position to hit a backhand drop shot that it was too late (maybe I had not prepared early enough). Well, there are times when a forehand animation starts and at the last moment the strike changes to a backhand, like as below:

In this case, I was trying to hit a backhand shot, but the game prepared as if I were going to hit a forehand shot. Then, at the last instance, it was able to switch around somehow and hit a winner with a backhand passing shot.

Looking at the replay I can see that when the incoming ball was hit by Nadal, my racket was about in the ready position. I was just to his left when he hit the ball (directly in front of the meeting his racket). Just when he hit it from his left to my left, I started moving my player to the left so that I could get into position to hit a backhand passing shot. As soon as I started moving to the left, the racket went back as if I were going to hit a forehand shot to my right (and probably had I not moved the player anymore, I may have been able to contact the ball, but it would not have passed Nadal). I kept moving over to my left, and as you see the animation changed at the last instance. So sometimes this works out OK.
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crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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