New tournament

General discussions about the 1st version of Tennis Elbow Manager

New tournament

Postby Pete » 07 Jul 2007, 16:12


I want to create a new tournament.It fits but i cannot rise the starting palyers.I want 64 or 128 players in the first round,but there stands always 32 in the game.

What should i do?

Name = Muenster
Ground = CL
DrawSingle = 128
DrawDouble = 64
Category = 11
Country = DE
Week = 6
PrizeMoney = $81850 10000 50000 26000 13000 7000 4000 2500 1400

Postby manutoo » 07 Jul 2007, 16:58


you must :
- add the entry points earned for each additional round you added in the [Category11] of TourCategory.ini (it can be 0 point if you want)
- or assign the tournament to a category with more rounds
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