How Ranking Points work ?

General discussions about the 1st version of Tennis Elbow Manager

How Ranking Points work ?

Postby Quizzor » 31 May 2012, 03:54

Have a really quick question on how the points work. I understand where you finish you get those points that are listed at the top of the tournament draws. But what i have experienced is i have entered a tournament and i gained little to no ground in points... so this brings me to my question, Are points only based off of a certain number of tournaments that you do well in?? And how do the rankings work in the next year do they start all over again??? I knw this have been talked about in the real world of tennis Roger thinks tht ranks should be 1 year based and Nadal thinks it should be 2 years like it is in golf. Plz help and thx
court crocodile
court crocodile
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Re: How Ranking Points work ?

Postby manutoo » 31 May 2012, 04:22


read here : ... ml#ranking .

You can see in your activity screen what tournaments are counted for your ranking.
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Re: How Ranking Points work ?

Postby Quizzor » 31 May 2012, 07:04

Dang it i was going to read through tht 2 check and see if i could find my answer :D Ohh well thanks anyways. And tht is a true heart breaker cuz i was banking on catching Roger with playing more tournaments :(. Just won the french open 2 :( And when it rains it pours I got knocked out in early rounds in AUS open 2 so now playing catch up for the rest of the season :( sigh well thanks anyways for the info now i won't play all these tournaments instead aim for the big ones :) And plz do read on my comment in one of the forums with next version of TEM sorry i don't remember the name of the exact forum :( but i do believe i have a idea that you can work with so plz plz plz take a look at.
Thanks for your time and consideration
court crocodile
court crocodile
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Gaming Since: 22 Apr 2012, 01:52

Re: How Ranking Points work ?

Postby Quizzor » 31 May 2012, 07:43

Okay i get how that works now. But water is still a little merkey for me. So entry is Based off of a 2 year ranking?? And the Race is based of the year you are in?? So which one seeds you as you enter in tournaments?? Now my logic says the entry ranking is that correct?? If so that is pretty lame Cuz could be having a good year but getting crapy draws because of your one bad year. I am currently going thru tht right now 3 ranked in the race but 5 in the entry rank :(
court crocodile
court crocodile
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Gaming Since: 22 Apr 2012, 01:52

Re: How Ranking Points work ?

Postby Rob4590 » 31 May 2012, 09:37

Race ranking is from your events in the current calendar year.
Entry ranking is based on results from the previous 52 weeks - so every week, your result from the current tournament will replace your result from that week the year before. This is indeed the one that determines seedings.

To get your total points (when ranked inside top 30) you total up all 4 slams, your best 8 out 9 of the masters series, plus the Masters Cup (if in it) plus best 4 '500 series' plus best 2 '250' series.
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Re: How Ranking Points work ?

Postby Quizzor » 31 May 2012, 16:04

Wow this gives you very little error for a bad showing in a slam. I have been entering future and challengers hoping to pick up some extra points but now i guess i will pass up those tournaments now. Thanks for the info now i should be able to make a better run towards world ranking #1 :D.
court crocodile
court crocodile
Messages: 22
Gaming Since: 22 Apr 2012, 01:52

Re: How Ranking Points work ?

Postby marco » 18 Jul 2012, 22:30

Hello manutoo,

I have just noticed that WTA rankings work not quite correctly.
Unlike ATP (or so I believe, I'm not sure), WTA end year Champs tournament is really mandatory and as such does count towards 16 tournament limit.
The game seems to count it in addition to 16 best tournaments as the 17th one.
In fact it doesn't make sense to have a mandatory tournament that would not count towards the limit.
Could this be corrected or is it too big a change to the code ?

Also there is a small and easy correction needed that anyone can do just to have it all right.
WTA end year Champs have incorrect ranking points award for the winner, it should be win+finals i.e. 810, similarly to 900 in ATP.

court stakhanovite
court stakhanovite
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Re: How Ranking Points work ?

Postby manutoo » 19 Jul 2012, 05:44

both issues will be fixed for next update.
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Re: How Ranking Points work ?

Postby marco » 20 Jul 2012, 22:54

Hello manutoo,

WTA rankings now work great, thank you. :-)
There is just a small new error but when correcting the points award for the winner of Champs you probably mistakenly changed also round win award.
It should have been left at 230, not 160. That is only additional award for the win in RR match which itself is worth 70 in WTA.

court stakhanovite
court stakhanovite
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Gaming Since: 16 Jul 2012, 10:29

Re: How Ranking Points work ?

Postby manutoo » 21 Jul 2012, 05:43

doh, I got mixed up with the 70 points given on lost... :sweat:
I'll refix that for next update ! ;)
== Mana Games ==

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