Suggestions For Next Version!

General discussions about the 1st version of Tennis Elbow Manager

Suggestions For Next Version!

Postby anisov » 22 Apr 2012, 14:40

I Think That Some Things Need To Be Added To The Game Like :
-Having A Wild Card From A Tournament Without Importantly Being Subscribed In The Tournament
-Seeing The List Of Players Of Every Tournament
-In The Match's State Also There Are Some Faults Like A Baseliner Doing Goes To The Net More Than 30 Times Every Match ( Strange A Little Bit :unsure: )
-Also I Saw Another Strange Thing That Murray Playing Halle In The Place Of Queens! :yes: Well I Don't Think That This Thing Is Very Important But Just To Make It More Realistic :D !
Finally I Liked This Game Very Much And I Play Every Times More Than 5 Hours! :p So With These Things Or Not I Will Stay A Big Fan Of This Game!:)

Re: Suggestions For Next Version!

Postby miguel_scp » 07 May 2012, 18:47

Picking up on the suggestion, something I'd really like to see implemented, and could bring TEM closer to real life tennis:

Doubles players improvement.
Don't know if anyone has brought this up or not, but I'd like to see a concept of "select a player to play doubles with in this particular tournament".
That way, you could choose your doubles pair based on that tournament's players list.
Example: if I'm playing at Halle, my doubles partner wouldn't want to come along with me if he was already in another tournament playing singles (or doubles).

You could have a message like "<player_name> has invited you to play doubles with him/her in this tournament.", with the chances of "Yes" or "No, I want to select another player", bringing you to the list of players available to play doubles in that tournament.
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Gaming Since: 01 Sep 2006, 16:38
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Re: Suggestions For Next Version!

Postby Quizzor » 31 May 2012, 02:27

Something I would like to see is an exhibition game(more game play option). I could understand this would be hard because you would have to create random results some how anyways...what i am trying to get at here is expand beyond just having a create a player and manage his career. In this exhibition mode have where you can change pretty much anything. Could also break it down to a single game or a whole tournament mode. Have the choice of playing just one game court of your choice,players of your choice and number of sets. For the tournament mode choose a random tournament seeding or make your own tournament seeding. Have the same choices from single play also for the tournament.
court crocodile
court crocodile
Messages: 22
Gaming Since: 22 Apr 2012, 01:52

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