Clay court questions

General discussions about the 1st version of Tennis Elbow Manager

Clay court questions

Postby oki » 26 Feb 2012, 01:41

Hello.i would like to ask :
1- is player with a top spin 100 % with same other atributes having bigger chance to win a clay tournament than a player with for example 60-70 % top spin?..both players would be defenders..
2- Does any body know which are primary,which are secondary and which are low-priority attributes for a good clay court specialist?
3- Is it really nessesary to train a voley more than 10 % to become a very good clay courter?
TNX for very good game !!!

Re: Clay court questions

Postby manutoo » 26 Feb 2012, 06:23


1- yes
2- something like that, I guess : Rallies >= Physical >= Mental > Serve >= Special Skills > Volley
3- not really ; train volley only when you have nothing else to train
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Re: Clay court questions

Postby Quizzor » 31 May 2012, 03:08

hello oki to answer your question. I don't if it was luck but i recently have won at the french open beating both Nadal(early round) and Roger Federer. First of look of my player. I have a 90% on my topspin, 90% on my ground stokes, next to nothing on my volley, about 85% in my special skills- lob about 65%, Return 90% Service game 75% for power and consistency, precision 90%. Mental concentration and consistency 85%,Cold blood 80% rest about 55%. Physical 80% strength,speed 75% rest about 90%. Now in my first upset now this may come to a surprise but i have a good record against Nadal so far so i think i have him figured out. So coming in the match up i was pretty confident. But wht i did is i added a experience boost changed my style to Baseliner i can't remember 100% if i had the energy all out or not but that is what you need i believe to beat Nadal. Did same thing for Roger and i won. Normally my player is a Puncher but main thing i have found so far is playing styles help you beat other players playing styles hope this helps and sorry i made it so long
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court crocodile
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