Bonus system - explainaton pls

General discussions about the 1st version of Tennis Elbow Manager

Bonus system - explainaton pls

Postby Equinox » 09 Sep 2011, 16:23

Hello there,

I've been wondering about the bonus system display in match view. I couldn't find any info in the documentation about it, so here are some questions:

1) How is the bonus determined ?
-> Initially I thought it was just a display about which of the players is better in a certain discipline, like TT bonus is displayed for the better tactician. But this doesn't seem to be the case, I just saw a match where both players had the same boni.

2) Does it have any effect ?
-> Do I get a boost in tactics if I have a tactics bonus ? If so, how big is the effect ?

3) If 2) applies, which skills are required to get which bonus ?

tennis enthusiastic
tennis enthusiastic
Messages: 7
Gaming Since: 06 Sep 2011, 10:15

Re: Bonus system - explainaton pls

Postby manutoo » 10 Sep 2011, 05:34

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Re: Bonus system - explainaton pls

Postby Equinox » 10 Sep 2011, 13:13

Ok sorry, didn't see it.

So that means that if I have a service bonus for example, my service skills get a boost of 1 to 10 % ?

Another question: I almost always lose very high like 6-0 6-0 or 6-0 6-1 against opponents when I have most of the bonus on my side. Like I got 4-5 boni and the opponent has none, thats almost a 100% loss. I think it must be something like underestimation of the opponent, but how does that relate to skills ? What should I train to avoid this ?

tennis enthusiastic
tennis enthusiastic
Messages: 7
Gaming Since: 06 Sep 2011, 10:15

Re: Bonus system - explainaton pls

Postby manutoo » 11 Sep 2011, 05:46

It's not exactly your skills that get a boost : it's your serve strength that is calculated from your skills (so it's almost same, but not totally :P ).

Bonus are just bonus, they're not all of your game.
For example, if you have high tactic & low FH/BH against a player with low tactic & great FH/BH, then you might be able to play more often his weak side, but if he owns u on both sides, that won't change much to the result.
== Mana Games ==

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