Trainers Confusion

General discussions about the 1st version of Tennis Elbow Manager

Trainers Confusion

Postby Equinox » 06 Sep 2011, 16:45

Sorry, but I don't get the trainer thing, here are a few questions I can't figure out with the docs...

1) Paying for / Traveling with player -> Which is the positive option, if the button is greyed out or if the button is blue ? Like if I want a trainer to travel with only one player, do I set the button on blue with that one player and grey it out for the other players or the opposite ?

2) If a player travels with a trainer but not with the main coach, can he do other training then instead of only service and fitness ?

3) What if a trainer is set to travel with more than one player and both players have a tournament in the same week, where does the trainer go then ?

4) Who pays the trainer ? Are they payed from my personal manager bank account or do players pay for a trainer ?

The game is really great, but the docs are very very limited...
tennis enthusiastic
tennis enthusiastic
Messages: 7
Gaming Since: 06 Sep 2011, 10:15

Re: Trainers Confusion

Postby petrone_maxi » 06 Sep 2011, 18:49

Hello there. Here the answers:
1) The positive option is the Grey Button (I also consider that this is confusing, but you get used to)
2) The player will be able to train the main ability of the trainer. For Example, if my trainer gets me a bonus of 15% in Special Skills and 10% in Rally Skills, my player will be able to train both of this skills, as also Service and fitness.
You could hire an Asistent Coach to train all the Skills, but if his Skills aren´t good enough your player will loose some motivation.
3) When you choose a Trainer to travel with a player, Automaticly will turn off from the other player.
4)The Player pays for the Trainer. You can choose wich one of your players will pay him. I´m not sure if there´s a way to make yourself to pay.

I hope this was helpful, sorry for the horrible grammar, and enjoy this awesome game!
court crocodile
court crocodile
Messages: 25
Gaming Since: 23 Nov 2010, 16:10

Re: Trainers Confusion

Postby Equinox » 07 Sep 2011, 00:37

Thanks for the info, it makes sense now.
tennis enthusiastic
tennis enthusiastic
Messages: 7
Gaming Since: 06 Sep 2011, 10:15

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