couple of suggestions

General discussions about the 1st version of Tennis Elbow Manager

couple of suggestions

Postby Mannboy » 01 Aug 2011, 17:03

Thoroughly enjoying this game. Couple of suggestions

1) is it possible to make it so that you could continue during some matches WITH an injury? Obviously sometimes players have to stop straight away which is what the game already has.

But sometimes players are able to carry on with an injury and finish the match and sometimes they carry on but eventually have to retire. Could this be made possible in the game? It would be more life-like

2) Could you make names for the 2 different groups at the end of season championships and have it displayed as a league table? I think that would make it a lot easier to understand.

Thank you for taking the time to read.

Re: couple of suggestions

Postby Guest » 01 Aug 2011, 17:49


First of all I am verry excited about the game. It is the best tennis game that I have ever played.
So, my thanks for that.

I have two little suggestions or questions.
1- It is already possible to see the head to head between a CPU-player and your own player in the match screen before the match is played.
But can it be possible to see the head to head between two CPU-players as well?

2- Two, can it be possible to export match statistics?

Re: couple of suggestions

Postby manutoo » 02 Aug 2011, 05:29


1) Already a topic about that... It may come with TEM2

2) I may add a Win/Set/Game board

1) you can see all Head to Head's from the ranking screen.

2) maybe in the future, but for now, it's not possible
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Re: couple of suggestions

Postby PattySchnyder » 25 Oct 2011, 05:36

If possible can we start off coaching our favorite players like in Tennis Elbow 2011 you can start off playing as Federer I would like the same option in TEM.

Also making breaks of serve more common in the womens tour
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 229
Gaming Since: 06 Aug 2007, 00:00

Re: couple of suggestions

Postby PattySchnyder » 28 Dec 2011, 02:13

Hope these suggestions are implemented in the new update in 2012
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 229
Gaming Since: 06 Aug 2007, 00:00

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