Update Suggestions

General discussions about the 1st version of Tennis Elbow Manager

Re: Update Suggestions

Postby manutoo » 22 Feb 2010, 04:14

crazillo, if you change the tournaments, it'll invalidate your current saved games. You can only change the name & the prizes per round without problem.
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Re: Update Suggestions

Postby Rob4590 » 03 Apr 2010, 00:06

Just a couple of suggestions for the next update Manu:

1) Allow us to 'coach' the players during the match - ie let us change the tactics / effort etc. Probably would work best if it only allowed changes at the end of each set. This would create more strategy in the matches - do you spend the extra 20 experience points at a set down to try and turn the match around (but with the extra risk that the other player now only needs one more set to win)?
Do you try a different tactic to change things? Or do you just experiment in an easy match? Do you save energy if you are winning easily? Might this change allow the other player back in?

2) When a 'good' player (ie top 100) retires at the end of a year - can we have some notification of that - maybe a brief career summary? I just had Sampras retire in 2002 (or was it 03?) and he was still the reigning Wimbledon champion, and ranked no 8 - would just be nice to be told that in the 'in game' years, he had won 3 Wimbledons and 1 US Open, had a highest rank of no 1, and had a career record of 156-43, with 16 tour titles etc. Just gives a bit more immersion in the game world.

3) Is there any way that a players highest ever ranking could be stored?

4) Could we have a 'titles' screen (even if only for Slams, Masters Series, and Int Series) where there is a list of winners eg Federer - 723 titles (well it seems like that at the moment as he destroys me in every final any of my players play :) ) Roddick 12, Henman 11 etc

PS I wasn't ignoring your emails from a couple of weeks ago Manu - only just got internet back as moved house. I hadn't modified the game at all, and the withdrawing bug still appears intermittently throughout the first 5 years (so far) of play.


crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Gaming Since: 07 Sep 2006, 10:43

Re: Update Suggestions

Postby Serena Williams » 03 Apr 2010, 00:28

manu i also think that when we reach a final in a grand slm or a masters tournament we should be allowed to play those matches instead of getting the notification,,if you wanna try and win ths tournament order the full version
the same goes for the rankings:after reaching the top 20 the game ends,that should also be fixed so that we can play the whole 2 seasons of the demo version


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Re: Update Suggestions

Postby Rob4590 » 04 Apr 2010, 00:08

Another suggestion Manu - can we please be able to sort the players by their style as well as their name / rank etc?

EDIT: In fact - can they be sortable / filterable by stats - eg only show those with an average rally stat of 85+, or mental of 75+ etc.
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 118
Gaming Since: 07 Sep 2006, 10:43

Re: Update Suggestions

Postby Curtis » 05 Apr 2010, 04:20

Rob4590 wrote:1) Allow us to 'coach' the players during the match - ie let us change the tactics / effort etc. Probably would work best if it only allowed changes at the end of each set. This would create more strategy in the matches - do you spend the extra 20 experience points at a set down to try and turn the match around (but with the extra risk that the other player now only needs one more set to win)?
Do you try a different tactic to change things? Or do you just experiment in an easy match? Do you save energy if you are winning easily? Might this change allow the other player back in?

2) When a 'good' player (ie top 100) retires at the end of a year - can we have some notification of that - maybe a brief career summary? I just had Sampras retire in 2002 (or was it 03?) and he was still the reigning Wimbledon champion, and ranked no 8 - would just be nice to be told that in the 'in game' years, he had won 3 Wimbledons and 1 US Open, had a highest rank of no 1, and had a career record of 156-43, with 16 tour titles etc. Just gives a bit more immersion in the game world.

3) Is there any way that a players highest ever ranking could be stored?

4) Could we have a 'titles' screen (even if only for Slams, Masters Series, and Int Series) where there is a list of winners eg Federer - 723 titles (well it seems like that at the moment as he destroys me in every final any of my players play :) ) Roddick 12, Henman 11 etc

I like Rob's suggestions, including those in his April 3rd post just above. 1) and those in the post just above would be the most useful, though the others (2,3,4) are good for immersiveness.
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Update Suggestions

Postby Curtis » 05 Apr 2010, 04:23

viktor1212 wrote:manu i also think that when we reach a final in a grand slm or a masters tournament we should be allowed to play those matches instead of getting the notification,,if you wanna try and win ths tournament order the full version
the same goes for the rankings:after reaching the top 20 the game ends,that should also be fixed so that we can play the whole 2 seasons of the demo version

Viktor, TEM has the most liberal demo of any sports game I've played. In fact, I refer to TEM when I complain about how limited the demos are on other game forums! :blackeye:
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 115
Gaming Since: 03 Nov 2008, 22:07
Location: Watertown, New York


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