Increasing Potential of hired player?

General discussions about the 1st version of Tennis Elbow Manager

Increasing Potential of hired player?

Postby davids96 » 15 Aug 2014, 10:09

I was just wondering if it was possible to increase the potential of hired players.
For example, I noticed that Serena's forehand power potential is around 79 (that's where the line is) and was wondering if there was a way to increase it to 100?
tennis enthusiastic
tennis enthusiastic
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Gaming Since: 26 Sep 2013, 09:30

Re: Increasing Potential of hired player?

Postby manutoo » 16 Aug 2014, 04:22


yes, it's possible ; raise a bit her forehand power ; to know how, read this file "C:\Program Files (x86)\Tennis Elbow Manager\Data\HowToMod.html" .
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Increasing Potential of hired player?

Postby davids96 » 20 Aug 2014, 06:21

I tried making her forehand and backhand powers both 100, but she still doesn't have 100% potential on the backhand side, is that supposed to happen?
tennis enthusiastic
tennis enthusiastic
Messages: 9
Gaming Since: 26 Sep 2013, 09:30

Re: Increasing Potential of hired player?

Postby manutoo » 21 Aug 2014, 03:57

It's likely because she has a 2H-BH so max power is 90%.
== Mana Games ==

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