Comments about Build 36 (v1.0i)

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Comments about Build 36 (v1.0i)

Postby anaum91 » 26 Jan 2013, 16:22

Hello Manutoo, what is you meaning rebuilt from scratch in the new 2013 update are you mean in windows compurters or mac
question two: can i move my current game data from the latest version to the new 2013 update version, how can i do that.
anaum91 :D
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager v1.0i

Postby Maxy » 26 Jan 2013, 23:06

Finally.... :whistle:
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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager v1.0i

Postby manutoo » 27 Jan 2013, 06:45

there was a bunch of problems with "funny" players or bad ranking due to the way the base has been initially created in 2007 & updated every year after. By rebuilding everything, these problems are fixed.
Your saved games won't work, no need to move them... You can try to move your Mods if you want. I can't help you about that, it depends what you did.
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager v1.0i

Postby anaum91 » 28 Jan 2013, 18:26

hey Manutoo, i want my own updated players rankings and own updated tournamets and tourcategory files in your new updated 2013 version of TEM, and i am been confused, when i should updated my own players data base, because the players are in the right same place more, it is very confusing for me, . How can i find the players easily, if i will update them. have it any inflence of my own player base, if i put my old player base in the new version

i hope you can give a idea :D

anaum91 :D
Last edited by anaum91 on 28 Jan 2013, 19:04, edited 1 time in total.
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 198
Gaming Since: 17 Apr 2012, 14:20

Re: Tennis Elbow Manager v1.0i

Postby anaum91 » 28 Jan 2013, 18:42

Hey Manutoo what is that in TEM 2013 version:
OutfitEntry =Outfit
MaxOffTimePlayer= 20

i can also see that you created new players from 2800 to 3500, playable years from 1990 to 2029 can i copy the and put in my own, or should i
create all these player how can i raise the players in the database and raise the the year from 1990 to 2029, because i will not loose my own game data files, like my own players rankings and tournements categories files.

When you create new players, where are you their information, how is you do, are delete some of the retired players data, and replace with new player data or are only creating them.

i hope you can help me :D
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 198
Gaming Since: 17 Apr 2012, 14:20

Re: Tennis Elbow Manager v1.0i

Postby Hewitt Fan » 28 Jan 2013, 22:25

Hey Manu How To Make My Key Work With The New Update Please?
Hewitt Fan

Re: Tennis Elbow Manager v1.0i

Postby manutoo » 29 Jan 2013, 05:13

1- if you want to keep your players, just copy over your player base, and overwrite the official one.

2- OutfitEntry is for TE2013, not for TEM
MaxOffTimePlayer = Max Number of Players with Off-Time info

Hewitt Fan,
for Key issue => .
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager v1.0i

Postby Quizzor » 29 Jan 2013, 06:08

Sweet new TEM :D.... So is there anything new in the new TEM????
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Re: Tennis Elbow Manager v1.0i

Postby anaum91 » 29 Jan 2013, 18:35

So how can the players gets off time in MaxOffTimePlayer= 20
can you explain in details, because i don´t understand it, and it is important to have it in my player bases.

anaum91 :D
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 198
Gaming Since: 17 Apr 2012, 14:20

Re: Tennis Elbow Manager v1.0i

Postby manutoo » 30 Jan 2013, 05:12

just put it to 3000 and never touch it again.
== Mana Games ==

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