Playing several times in same round of tournament ?!

the place to report any bug met in the game

Playing several times in same round of tournament ?!

Postby Nicole Vaidisova » 25 Aug 2012, 04:19

during the WTA match,after I was eliminated,I always have to play the same match again with the different opponent.

for example,In Sydney , I was eliminated by williams in the Round 3,then I click next match to continue my career,but showing above it is I still have a match to play----------Sydney R3 with sharapova!!!!!

pilease tell me how to deal with it

And can you tell me ,is there some stable patch for WTA?or is there some patch for WTA being producted?

thanks a lot
Nicole Vaidisova
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 64
Gaming Since: 23 Aug 2012, 12:51

Re: the bug in playing match

Postby manutoo » 26 Aug 2012, 04:46


you were probably entered several times in the draw (look at it).
What are your Build & SubBuild ? (they're shown in the Credits screen)
If you don't have the latest version, update to it.
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