bug bug bug [in the ELO ranking]

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bug bug bug [in the ELO ranking]

Postby guest9999 » 01 Aug 2007, 16:02

hmmm realy great... i can play dis game more.... :cry:
Whats happening to display wenn i go in to game ? dis fu***ng bug is to everyone ?

what i need to do ?

Postby manutoo » 01 Aug 2007, 16:08


can you explain what's happening exactly ?
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Postby guest9999 » 01 Aug 2007, 16:58

wenn i go in to game taskbar disappears...

,,network play,, not working... wenn i challange some one to game, game starts, but i cant play: i dont see me, but 2 another players and nothind happens...
and all time wenn i try to play happens all the same... dis bug starts today... 2months i played dis game and all was great, but now...

Sorry, i very bad speak english....

Help... what i need to do ? and i im not only one with dis problem.....

Postby manutoo » 01 Aug 2007, 17:30

did you re-install the game lately ?
If not, try to download the last version from the website and install it... Let me know if it helps or not...
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Postby guest9999 » 01 Aug 2007, 19:00

but than i will lose my ELO ? (rating) i have 1800+....

Postby guest9999 » 01 Aug 2007, 21:20

now i re-instal tennis elbow but have one more problem...

i lose only 2matches and my ELO(rating) decrease by 180 ! :( how to explain that ??? normally wenn i lose matches my ELO(rating) decreases only by 10-20p but now 90per match ??? thats not normal... and wenn i winn i gainn only 14p :(

Postby manutoo » 02 Aug 2007, 04:36


with the latest version, you should lose extra points when you quit a match before the end.
But unfortunately, you were losing extra points as well when you were forced to quit due to time limit.
I fixed that and I updated the version, you can download it again... :roll:
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Postby manutoo » 02 Aug 2007, 05:51

got a lil trouble, version is just updated for good now... :roll:
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Postby guest9999 » 02 Aug 2007, 11:30

again i need to dowload game ?

please give me link....

Postby manutoo » 02 Aug 2007, 12:41

just the demo available from the site :
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Postby guest9999 » 02 Aug 2007, 14:19

what a buggy game....

i lead by 5/0 my oponnent give up but i lose my ELO !!! and he gain +10 !! what a f**k ? reallu nice game.... if i winn my ELO decreases... and not one time, i had that 3-4 times !!!!! dis game now is really bi**y :( :( :(

please give me back my 200ELO and fix dis game !!! only bugs.... :(

wenn i give up my ELO decreases by 90ELO if my opponent gives up than again i lose my rating ???? realy nice.....

Postby Guest » 02 Aug 2007, 14:43

very interesting... i lose or winn anyway my ELO will decrease... :(

And i have one question:

what i need to do if my opponnent dont play ? now i have 5/1(i lead) and he stoped match and says: ,,give up !!! " and waits.... 10+minutes !!! what i need to do ? i need give up and lose 90+ ELO ? :(

Postby Guest » 02 Aug 2007, 15:51

this is very bugy...

i win my opnnent by 6:0 and my elo decreased :roll:

Postby manutoo » 02 Aug 2007, 16:00


did you check your ELO ? did you actually lose points ?
I checked, and it seems it was only the display of points change which was inverted ; example, it was showing -20 for you, and +20 for your opponent, instead of +20 for you, and -20 for your opponent, but the calculation was ok, and you were still getting your points...

About give up, if you do it when the chat is opened, it won't be counted as a give up, just like a normal end of game (so you may win or lose points, depending of the current score)....

You can download the latest version again, I corrected the display of the points change.
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Postby Guest » 02 Aug 2007, 16:22

yes i check my ELO, in last 2days i losed only 2 or 3games, but my ELO is decreased by 150-200p...

i have waited 2hours but he dont play and dont give up.... and chat is not opened....

on deskop i see : player 1 is in menus

what i need to do ? i need to give up and again lose my ELO ??? result is 5/1 and i have 3match points.... :(

ok i again will re-instal game... but anyway dis game have to much bugs.... wenn i winn i lose ELO, thats not normal... :(


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