Match Score Reloaded for Wrong Match

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Match Score Reloaded for Wrong Match

Postby Santiago92 » 01 Feb 2012, 00:10

Hi Manu!

I just found a bug in World Tour. I was losing 6-1, 6-2, 2-0 in a bot vs bot match (Safin-Haas), but I decided not to continue, closed the game and when I opened it again, I set to skip that match.

Then, when I opened the next match with my Player 1 (Rafael Nadal) the score was the same that the match I was playing before :?
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Re: Bug in World Tour

Postby manutoo » 01 Feb 2012, 06:43


hum, strange, it's a bug I fixed long time ago, and I just tried to reproduce it but it worked correctly... Are you playing with an old Build..? :fear:
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Re: Bug in World Tour

Postby Santiago92 » 01 Feb 2012, 13:05

No, I am playing with the last build, that's the strange. I remember that it was happening some time ago, but it came again :S
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Re: Match Score Reloaded for Wrong Match

Postby Santiago92 » 11 Feb 2012, 04:28

It seems to be fixed. However, I found a new bug:

When playing doubles in World Tour, if you close the game and open it again, the side change that you have done does not matter. You will be returning from the default side (0-0, 15-15 or 30-0...).
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Re: Match Score Reloaded for Wrong Match

Postby manutoo » 11 Feb 2012, 04:56

Oh yup, I had forgotten to add this to the saved match ; it'll be fixed with the next Build..!

For the wrong reloaded match, if you re-dl'ed the game, then it should be fixed ; it could happen when watching CPU vs CPU in a qualies where you were playing in a main draw, and vice versa.
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Re: Match Score Reloaded for Wrong Match

Postby Santiago92 » 26 Feb 2012, 15:30

It is still happenning, the only way to "fix" it is downloading again the new build (even if you have done it).
And I found a new bug:

When you are looking at a draw of a tournament and you clic to look at a player's profile, when you come back to the draw, it seems that you are looking at the draw of the tournament you are playing (in case your player was playing a tournament).
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crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Match Score Reloaded for Wrong Match

Postby manutoo » 27 Feb 2012, 04:42

I just checked the draw & it's working correctly, it doesn't go back to your current draw... Are you sure your game isn't Modded ? :thinking:
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