Sound fault : No sound at all

the place to report any bug met in the game

Sound fault : No sound at all

Postby Aite » 19 Dec 2011, 18:35

The sound on my newly downloaded game doesnt work. I had previously played the demo but have only just now got the full game. No sound at all. Hope somebody can help

Re: Sound fault

Postby manutoo » 20 Dec 2011, 04:54


could you post this file : "C:\Program Files\Tennis Elbow 2011\System.log" ..?
== Mana Games ==

>> I don't answer Private Message, except if it's really a _Private_ topic <<
User avatar
Game Author
Messages: 19202
Gaming Since: 24 Jan 2004, 15:38
Location: France

Re: Sound fault

Postby Aite » 20 Dec 2011, 14:08


I hope that works. Im very new to the forum.

Re: Sound fault

Postby manutoo » 21 Dec 2011, 04:09

No, that did nothing... ;)
Double-click on System.log, it should open it. Then press Ctrl+A to select everything, then Ctrl+C to copy, then click back to your message in the Forum, and press Ctrl+V to paste everything here...
Or create an account on the Forum, so you'd get the option to attach a file to your message.
== Mana Games ==

>> I don't answer Private Message, except if it's really a _Private_ topic <<
User avatar
Game Author
Messages: 19202
Gaming Since: 24 Jan 2004, 15:38
Location: France

Re: Sound fault

Postby Aite » 21 Dec 2011, 16:30

===> GameSys Init <=== (core version: 1.1.00; date: Oct 28 2011, 11:28:57; for: Tennis Elbow 2011 1.0c)
CpuName: Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU P6000 @ 1.87GHz
CPU Id: Intel64 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 2 (GenuineIntel)
Speed: 1862 mhz; RAM: 3893 MB
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium v6.1 build #7601 (Unknown)
DirectX version: 9.0 (0x00090000)
Connected to Internet : INTERNET_CONNECTION_LAN
Language = English

=====> Devices init <=====
Mouse Type: DI8DEVTYPE_MOUSE / 1 (Mouse / Mouse)

=====> 3D engine init <=====
3dEngine Init; version: 2.00.91; date: Oct 25 2011; time: 21:10:10
DDD - Name: 1-Intel(R) HD Graphics; Device: igdumdx32.dll
Display Device: 1-Intel(R) HD Graphics
GM 0: (320 x 200, 16 bits, 60 hz)
GM 1: (320 x 200, 32 bits, 60 hz)
GM 2: (512 x 384, 16 bits, 60 hz)
GM 3: (512 x 384, 32 bits, 60 hz)
GM 4: (640 x 400, 16 bits, 60 hz)
GM 5: (640 x 400, 32 bits, 60 hz)
GM 6: (640 x 480, 16 bits, 60 hz)
GM 7: (640 x 480, 32 bits, 60 hz)
GM 8: (800 x 600, 16 bits, 60 hz)
GM 9: (800 x 600, 32 bits, 60 hz)
GM 10: (1024 x 768, 16 bits, 60 hz)
GM 11: (1024 x 768, 32 bits, 60 hz)
GM 12: (1360 x 768, 16 bits, 60 hz)
GM 13: (1360 x 768, 32 bits, 60 hz)
GM 14: (1366 x 768, 16 bits, 60 hz)
GM 15: (1366 x 768, 32 bits, 60 hz)
=========> D3D info <==========
Mode set to 1350x700x32 (0hz) (ZBuf: 24; Stencil: 8; Sample: 0; Windowed)
Mem available for Textures: 1689 MB
HW Rasterization: Yes; HW TnL: Yes
Supported patches: NPatches : No; Bezier : No; RT : No
HW Clipping of TL Vertex : No
ColorWriteEnable : Yes
Can render patches efficiently without caching : No
Z compare func:
Never: On
Less: On
Equal: On
LessEqual: On
Greater: On
NotEqual: On
GreaterEqual: On
Always: On
Anti-aliasing => Edge: No
Z Bias: Yes
Fog Range: Yes
Fog PixelTable: Yes
Fog Vertex: Yes
W-Fog: Yes
W-Buffer: No
HSR without ZBuffer: No
Poly Z Test: No
MipMap Bias: Yes
Max PointSize: 256
Max Anisotropy: 16
Max MaxActiveLights: 10
Alpha => Gouraud: Yes; Texture: Yes; Palette: No
SrcBlend: BothInvSrcAlpha BothSrcAlpha DestAlpha DestColor InvDestAlpha InvDestColor InvSrcAlpha InvSrcColor One SrcAlpha SrcAlphaSat SrcColor Zero
DstBlend: DestAlpha DestColor InvDestAlpha InvDestColor InvSrcAlpha InvSrcColor One SrcAlpha SrcAlphaSat SrcColor Zero
ColorOp: Add AddSigned AddSigned2X AddSmooth BlendCurrentAlpha BlendDiffuseAlpha BlendFactorAlpha BlendTextureAlpha BlendTextureAlphaPM BumpEnvMap BumpEnvMapLuminance Disable DotProduct3 Lerp Modulate Modulate2X Modulate4X ModulateAlpha_AddColor ModulateColor_AddAlpha ModulateInvalpha_AddColor ModulateInvColor_AddAlpha MultiplyAdd PreModulate SelectArg1 SelectArg2 Subtract
TexAddress: Border Clamp IndependentUV Mirror MirrorOnce Wrap
Texture must be Power of 2: Yes
Texture must be square: No
Volumetric texture: Yes
Texture size: Min(1, 1); Max(4096, 4096)
Texture projection: PerPixel
Max Blend Stages: 8; Max Simultaneous Textures: 8; Max Tex Coord : 8
Max Texture Repeat: 8192
Max Texture Aspect Ratio: 2048
GuardBand from (-8192, -8192) to (8191, 8191)
Need to strip FVF : No
VertexShader Version : 1.1
PixelShader Version : 1.4
MaxNumber of streams : 16
Max Vertex Blend Matrices : 4; Max Index : 8
=========> end of D3D info <==========
Texture: A8R8G8B8 32 bits ALPHA RGB
Texture: X8R8G8B8 32 bits RGB
Texture: R5G6B5 16 bits RGB
Texture: A1R5G5B5 16 bits ALPHA RGB
Texture: A4R4G4B4 16 bits ALPHA RGB
Texture: A8 08 bits ALPHA
Texture: L8 08 bits
Texture: A8L8 16 bits ALPHA
Texture: A4L4 08 bits ALPHA
Texture: V8U8 16 bits Bump
Texture: L6V5U5 16 bits Bump
Texture: Q8W8V8U8 32 bits Bump
Texture: UYVY -8 bits
Texture: YUY2 -8 bits
Texture: DXT1 -8 bits Compressed
Texture: DXT2 -8 bits Compressed
Texture: DXT3 -8 bits Compressed
Texture: DXT4 -8 bits Compressed
Texture: DXT5 -8 bits Compressed
==> Pal8 Tex: (null) 00 bits
==> RgbX Tex: X8R8G8B8 32 bits RGB
==> RgbA Tex: A8R8G8B8 32 bits ALPHA RGB
Linear Fog On
=====> Shaders init <=====
Validate 0: 1
Validate 1: 1
Validate 2: 1
Validate 3: 1
Validate 4: 1
Validate 6: 1
Load shader file 'SpecialFx\WaterMirror.Shader'
Load shader file 'Scripts\Global.Shader'
Load shader file 'Scripts\Tennis.Shader'
Load shader file 'Scripts\Fx.Shader'
Load shader file 'Scripts\HUD.Shader'
Load shader file 'Scripts\Menu.Shader'
138 Shaders loaded: 174 stages, 141 TcMod, 41 DeformVertex and 0 AnimMaps
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Circle.Tga (Format: RgbA)
DefaultQuad Radius: 1.41421
Meshes => NbVertex: 4; NbIndex: 780 (Old NbP:4; loss: 0%)
Bitmap(512*512*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Font\HugeChars.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Back to rendering
Bitmap(512*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\TennisElbow.Tga (Format: RgbA)

=====> Sound init <=====
SoundCaps: Freq min = 100; Freq max = 200000; PrimaryChannel = 2; Prim8b = 1; Prim16b = 1; 2nd8b = 1; 2nd16 = 1
Sound Card => Primary Stereo : yes; Buffer Stereo : yes
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound01' 'Sound\Hit_Low1.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound01' 'Sound\Hit_Low2.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound01' 'Sound\Hit_Low3.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound02' 'Sound\Hit_Med1.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound02' 'Sound\Hit_Med2.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound02' 'Sound\Hit_Med3.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound03' 'Sound\Hit_Str1.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound03' 'Sound\Hit_Str2.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound03' 'Sound\Hit_Str3.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound04' 'Sound\Ground1.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound04' 'Sound\Ground2.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound04' 'Sound\Ground3.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound04' 'Sound\Ground4.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound04' 'Sound\Ground5.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound05' 'Sound\Fault.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound05' 'Sound\Out.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound06' 'Sound\Service_Low.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound07' 'Sound\Service_Med.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound08' 'Sound\Service_Str.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound09' 'Sound\NET.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound10' 'Sound\APP0_Quiet.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound10' 'Sound\App0_QuietB.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound10' 'Sound\App0_QuietC.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound11' 'Sound\APP1_Soft.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound11' 'Sound\App1_SoftB.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound12' 'Sound\APP2_Medium.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound12' 'Sound\App2_MediumB.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound12' 'Sound\App2_MediumC.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound12' 'Sound\App2_MediumD.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound13' 'Sound\APP3_Strong.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound13' 'Sound\App3_StrongB.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound13' 'Sound\App3_StrongC.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound13' 'Sound\App3_StrongD.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound14' 'Sound\SkidClay01.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound14' 'Sound\SkidClay02.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound14' 'Sound\SkidClay03.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound15' 'Sound\SkidSynth01.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound15' 'Sound\SkidSynth02.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound15' 'Sound\SkidSynth03.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound16' 'Sound\SkidHard01.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound16' 'Sound\SkidHard02.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound16' 'Sound\SkidHard03.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound17' 'Sound\SkidInSynth01.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound17' 'Sound\SkidInSynth02.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound17' 'Sound\SkidInSynth03.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound18' 'Sound\SkidInHard01.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound18' 'Sound\SkidInHard02.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound18' 'Sound\SkidInHard03.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound19' 'Sound\SkidGrass01.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound19' 'Sound\SkidGrass02.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound19' 'Sound\SkidGrass03.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound20' 'Sound\Ann_Score_0-15.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound20' 'Sound\AnnFr_Score_0-15.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound21' 'Sound\Ann_Score_0-30.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound21' 'Sound\AnnFr_Score_0-30.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound22' 'Sound\Ann_Score_0-40.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound22' 'Sound\AnnFr_Score_0-40.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound23' 'Sound\Ann_Score_15-0.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound23' 'Sound\AnnFr_Score_15-0.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound24' 'Sound\Ann_Score_15-15.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound24' 'Sound\AnnFr_Score_15-15.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound25' 'Sound\Ann_Score_15-30.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound25' 'Sound\AnnFr_Score_15-30.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound26' 'Sound\Ann_Score_15-40.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound26' 'Sound\AnnFr_Score_15-40.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound27' 'Sound\Ann_Score_30-0.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound27' 'Sound\AnnFr_Score_30-0.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound28' 'Sound\Ann_Score_30-15.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound28' 'Sound\AnnFr_Score_30-15.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound29' 'Sound\Ann_Score_30-30.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound29' 'Sound\AnnFr_Score_30-30.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound30' 'Sound\Ann_Score_30-40.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound30' 'Sound\AnnFr_Score_30-40.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound31' 'Sound\Ann_Score_40-0.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound31' 'Sound\AnnFr_Score_40-0.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound32' 'Sound\Ann_Score_40-15.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound32' 'Sound\AnnFr_Score_40-15.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound33' 'Sound\Ann_Score_40-30.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound33' 'Sound\AnnFr_Score_40-30.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound34' 'Sound\Ann_Score_40-40.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound34' 'Sound\AnnFr_Score_40-40.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound35' 'Sound\Ann_Adv1.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound35' 'Sound\AnnFr_Adv1.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound36' 'Sound\Ann_Adv2.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound36' 'Sound\AnnFr_Adv2.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound37' 'Sound\Ann_Game1.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound37' 'Sound\AnnFr_Game1.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound38' 'Sound\Ann_Game2.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound38' 'Sound\AnnFr_Game2.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound39' 'Sound\Ann_Set1.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound39' 'Sound\AnnFr_Set1.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound40' 'Sound\Ann_Set2.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound40' 'Sound\AnnFr_Set2.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound41' 'Sound\Ann_Match1.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound41' 'Sound\AnnFr_Match1.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound42' 'Sound\Ann_Match2.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound42' 'Sound\AnnFr_Match2.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound43' 'Sound\Ann_1stService.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound43' 'Sound\AnnFr_1stService.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound44' 'Sound\Ann_2ndService.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound44' 'Sound\AnnFr_2ndService.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound45' 'Sound\Warning.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound46' 'Sound\Crowd_Woho01.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound46' 'Sound\Crowd_Woho02.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound47' 'Sound\Crowd_Disappointed.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound48' 'Sound\Crowd_Waha01.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound48' 'Sound\Crowd_Waha02.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound49' 'Sound\Grunt-Male01a.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound49' 'Sound\Grunt-Male01b.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound49' 'Sound\Grunt-Male01c.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound50' 'Sound\Grunt-Male02a.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound50' 'Sound\Grunt-Male02b.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound50' 'Sound\Grunt-Male02c.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound51' 'Sound\Grunt-Male03a.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound51' 'Sound\Grunt-Male03b.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound51' 'Sound\Grunt-Male03c.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound52' 'Sound\Grunt-Male04a.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound52' 'Sound\Grunt-Male04b.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound52' 'Sound\Grunt-Male04c.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound53' 'Sound\Grunt-Male05a.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound53' 'Sound\Grunt-Male05b.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound53' 'Sound\Grunt-Male05c.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound54' 'Sound\Grunt-Female01a.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound54' 'Sound\Grunt-Female01b.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound54' 'Sound\Grunt-Female01c.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound55' 'Sound\Grunt-Female02a.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound55' 'Sound\Grunt-Female02b.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound55' 'Sound\Grunt-Female02c.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound56' 'Sound\Grunt-Female03a.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound56' 'Sound\Grunt-Female03b.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound56' 'Sound\Grunt-Female03c.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound57' 'Sound\Grunt-Female04a.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound57' 'Sound\Grunt-Female04b.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound57' 'Sound\Grunt-Female04c.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound58' 'Sound\Grunt-Female05a.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound58' 'Sound\Grunt-Female05b.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound58' 'Sound\Grunt-Female05c.wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound01' 'Sound\MenuIn.Wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound02' 'Sound\MenuMove.Wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound03' 'Sound\MenuOut.Wav'
Warning : can't load sound 'Sound04' 'Sound\MenuBuzz.Wav'

===> Tennis Elbow 2011 1.0c Init <=== (version: 1.0c; build: 76; date: Oct 25 2011; time: 21:10:14)

=====> Menu init <=====
sizeof => item: 268 (216 for GI); menu: 264; action: 12; param = 24; Cfg = 52
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CursorBall.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CursorMask.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Arrow.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Grille02.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Main.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bar01.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\RoundBg01.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\RadioOff.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\RadioOn.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court02.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court03.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court04.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court05.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court06.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court07.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court08.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court09.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CustomCourt01.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CustomCourt02.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CustomCourt03.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CustomCourt04.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court02s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court03s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court04s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court05s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court06s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court07s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court08s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court09s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court10s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court11s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court12s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court13s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerCfg02.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerCfg03.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerCfg04.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\NbSet02.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\NbSet03.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\CircleRainbow.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Tournament.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(16*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\RoundBg03.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Planning.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Back.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Sponsor.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Single.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Double.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Csv.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ArrowD.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(256*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\HudInfoBar.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\HudBallYellow.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\HudBallRed.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(1*8*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\RectBg04.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Soul_Human.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ClickButton.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(8*8*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\GoalStand.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\GoalTourney.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(8*8*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\GoalUp.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Club01.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Play.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CharacterSheet.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayOptions.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\WarmUp.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Match.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Cup3.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Arrow.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Done.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(16*2*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\Wave.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(8*8*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerStar1.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\RoundBg02.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(512*512*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Victory.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ArrowU.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\NewGame.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Abstract01.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\DangerZone.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(8*8*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PointerLine.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PointerCircle.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\IGH_SweetSpotBad.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\IGH_SweetSpotGood.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(256*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\HudInfoBoard.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ScoreBoardGame.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ScoreBoardName.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\NW_Slow.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\NW_Drop.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\SweetSpotGreen.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\SweetSpotOrange.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\SweetSpotRed.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court01.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court02.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court03.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court04.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court05.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court06.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court07.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court08.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court09.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court10.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court11.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Court12.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\NewGame.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\WorldTour.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Load.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Save.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(512*512*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Font\HugeCharsAdd_r90.jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(512*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\TennisElbow.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(256*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\TeYear.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Side_Profile.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Side_Controls.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Side_Audio.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Side_Video.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Side_MiscOption.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Quit.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ScoreBoardSet.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_LastYear.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Count.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Training.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(8*8*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Planning.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(8*8*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Sponsor.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(8*8*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Team.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CoachContract.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ControlSimulation.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ControlArcade.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\NetWork.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court01.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\NbSet01.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerCfg01.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CameraSave.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CameraLoad.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(2*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\RectBg03.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ViewMatchAll.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ViewMatchNone.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ViewMatchToggle.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(256*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CoachStarBg.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(256*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CoachStar.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bar04.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\InjuryBar.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\MotivationBar.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Court01s.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(2*8*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Line.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\TrainingClub.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Credits.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Char_FavPartner.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerSave.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerLoad.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Style_Defenser.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Style_PowerBaseliner.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Style_Puncher.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Style_Varied.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Style_Volleyer.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Style_Counter.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Char_Height.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Char_Weight.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Char_Age.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Rank.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Palmares.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\CareerEvolution.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Retire.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerStat.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Char_1hand.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Char_2hand.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Char_HandL.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Char_HandR.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Soul_CPU.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Tiredness-Off.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Tiredness-On.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\ControlElite.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Grunt.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Anim_Serve.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Anim_Forehand.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Anim_Backhand.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Anim_SliceBH.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Hat.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Hair.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Glasses.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Eyes.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Shirt.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Cuff.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Racket.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Color_RacketHandle.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Shorts.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Skin.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Socks.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Shoes.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\EnterGood.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\EnterWarning.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\TourMenNG.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\TourWomenNG.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\VolumeBar.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(1024*512*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Performance01.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*512*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Performance02.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*512*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Performance03.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*512*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Performance01wta.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*512*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Performance02wta.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*512*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\Performance03wta.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Delete.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\TourWomen.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\TourMen.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Preview-Off.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Preview-Service.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Preview-Rally.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Preview-Danger.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Preview-Aim.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\SkillBar.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Bg\WorldTour.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\NextMatch.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\TourInfo.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(8*8*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\HireBuy.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Camera.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Entry.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Race.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_DrawFinal.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_DrawQualif.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Major.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Minor.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*4*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\HudShortForm.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*4*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\HudLongForm.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\HudFormBgRight.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\HudFormBgLeft.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(4*64*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\ReplayBarCenter.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\ReplayBarEdge.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(64*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\NavButton.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(16*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Nav_Beg.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Nav_2x.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Nav_d4.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(16*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Nav_Pause.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(16*16*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\Ico\Nav_1x.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Menu\Art\ReplayBarInfo.Tga (Format: RgbA)
205 Menus loaded in 1181 ms; 2655 Items; 3015 Actions; 14 VarRT; 8876 Cfg; 19134 Param
==> Memory needed for menu structures : 1684 KB
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Textures\NotFound.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Got: 239 Countries; 8 Travel Zones; 10 Injuries; 15 Sponsors; 13 Objectives; 40 Trainers
Loaded 'Data\Players.ATP.Ini' with 2905 players
Loaded 'Data\TourCategory.ATP.Ini' with 16 categories
Loaded 'Data\Tour.ATP.Ini' with 331 tournaments
Found 4 Team cup rounds (Max = 6) (sizeof WT = 1242 KB)
TournamentDb Size = 6867 KB; CRC = 0xD4DFCA34F4885B92
NbYearActivePlayerYearTotal = 35964; CRC = 0x00007CDFFFFF6BB6
Loaded 'Data\Players.WTA.Ini' with 2968 players
Loaded 'Data\TourCategory.WTA.Ini' with 18 categories
Loaded 'Data\Tour.WTA.Ini' with 321 tournaments
Found 4 Team cup rounds (Max = 6) (sizeof WT = 1242 KB)
TournamentDb Size = 6518 KB; CRC = 0x275535A347F08CB6
NbYearActivePlayerYearTotal = 35964; CRC = 0x00007CDFFFFF6BB6

Mem for PlayerBnk = 8765 KB (2991); PlayerTour = 949 KB (324; all career = 1872); Rank2Player = 140 KB; CCoach = 138 KB
Found 4 Team cup rounds for Men Tour (Max = 6) (sizeof WT = 1242 KB)
Loading Saved Game: 'Profiles\Default/WT_Current.Sav'
ActivePlayerYearTotal = 16048; RankingDb = 6550 KB
===> Total Init Time = 3.603 s
Ambiant (0.627451, 0.627451, 0.627451)
Star (1, 1, 1)
Star Dir (-0.146447, -0.92388, 0.353553)

================ 3DS Loader : Data\Models\TennisBall.3DS ================
New Object: 'GeoSphere0'
Convert Mesh: Data\Models\TennisBall.3DS
Object Name: GeoSphere0
Bitmap(32*16*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\BALL.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Nb Points before merging: 64
Nb Points after merging: 55; NbFaces: 80; NbGhostPts: 13
GeoSphere0 Radius: 3.3

================ 3DS Loader : Data\Models\MouseAim.3DS ================
New Object: 'Box01'
Convert Mesh: Data\Models\MouseAim.3DS
Object Name: Box01
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\MouseAim.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Nb Points before merging: 4
Nb Points after merging: 4; NbFaces: 2; NbGhostPts: 0
Box01 Radius: 1.41321

Bitmap(16*16*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\MouseAimCenter.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\MouseAimArrow.Tga (Format: RgbA)
SpeedStep Detection: Dms = 3463 ; Dpc = 3463.04 ; Dms - Dpc = 0.0427246
DoRound: week 7, day 3, year 2009

================ X Loader : PlayerMale01L; in: Data\Models\PlayerMale01L.X
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Cuff01' on Bone 'Cuff01'
maxFaceInfluences = 1; maxVertexInfluences = 1; NbBones = 1
Bitmap(16*16*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Male.Tga (Format: Rgb)
24 Faces; 16 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Cuff02' on Bone 'Cuff02'
maxFaceInfluences = 1; maxVertexInfluences = 1; NbBones = 1
24 Faces; 16 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Tshirt03' on Bone 'Tshirt03'
maxFaceInfluences = 4; maxVertexInfluences = 3; NbBones = 12
287 Faces; 227 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Shorts03' on Bone 'Shorts03'
maxFaceInfluences = 4; maxVertexInfluences = 3; NbBones = 4
158 Faces; 148 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Shorts02' on Bone 'Shorts02'
maxFaceInfluences = 4; maxVertexInfluences = 3; NbBones = 4
150 Faces; 111 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_racket' on Bone 'racket'
400 Faces; 232 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Hair04a' on Bone 'Hair04a'
maxFaceInfluences = 1; maxVertexInfluences = 1; NbBones = 1
127 Faces; 90 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Hair01a' on Bone 'Hair01a'
maxFaceInfluences = 1; maxVertexInfluences = 1; NbBones = 1
279 Faces; 255 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_body' on Bone 'body'
maxFaceInfluences = 3; maxVertexInfluences = 2; NbBones = 19
838 Faces; 705 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Headband02' on Bone 'Headband02'
maxFaceInfluences = 1; maxVertexInfluences = 1; NbBones = 1
106 Faces; 77 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Hair03a' on Bone 'Hair03a'
maxFaceInfluences = 1; maxVertexInfluences = 1; NbBones = 1
113 Faces; 71 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Glasses01' on Bone 'Glasses01'
maxFaceInfluences = 1; maxVertexInfluences = 1; NbBones = 1
100 Faces; 300 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Hair04c' on Bone 'Hair04c'
maxFaceInfluences = 1; maxVertexInfluences = 1; NbBones = 1
127 Faces; 90 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Hair04b' on Bone 'Hair04b'
maxFaceInfluences = 1; maxVertexInfluences = 1; NbBones = 1
77 Faces; 71 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Hair03c' on Bone 'Hair03c'
maxFaceInfluences = 1; maxVertexInfluences = 1; NbBones = 1
113 Faces; 71 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Hair03b' on Bone 'Hair03b'
maxFaceInfluences = 1; maxVertexInfluences = 1; NbBones = 1
66 Faces; 54 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Headband01' on Bone 'Headband01'
maxFaceInfluences = 1; maxVertexInfluences = 1; NbBones = 1
84 Faces; 62 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Cap01' on Bone 'Cap01'
maxFaceInfluences = 1; maxVertexInfluences = 1; NbBones = 1
157 Faces; 176 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Cap02' on Bone 'Cap02'
maxFaceInfluences = 1; maxVertexInfluences = 1; NbBones = 1
157 Faces; 176 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Hair01b' on Bone 'Hair01b'
maxFaceInfluences = 1; maxVertexInfluences = 1; NbBones = 1
159 Faces; 174 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Tshirt01' on Bone 'Tshirt01'
maxFaceInfluences = 5; maxVertexInfluences = 3; NbBones = 10
197 Faces; 171 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Shorts01' on Bone 'Shorts01'
maxFaceInfluences = 4; maxVertexInfluences = 3; NbBones = 4
158 Faces; 138 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Hair06' on Bone 'Hair06'
maxFaceInfluences = 1; maxVertexInfluences = 1; NbBones = 1
75 Faces; 48 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Tshirt02' on Bone 'Tshirt02'
maxFaceInfluences = 4; maxVertexInfluences = 2; NbBones = 10
231 Faces; 205 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Cuff03' on Bone 'Cuff03'
maxFaceInfluences = 2; maxVertexInfluences = 2; NbBones = 2
24 Faces; 16 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Hair02a' on Bone 'Hair02a'
maxFaceInfluences = 2; maxVertexInfluences = 2; NbBones = 2
276 Faces; 232 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Hair02b' on Bone 'Hair02b'
maxFaceInfluences = 2; maxVertexInfluences = 2; NbBones = 2
204 Faces; 179 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Hair02c' on Bone 'Hair02c'
maxFaceInfluences = 2; maxVertexInfluences = 2; NbBones = 2
246 Faces; 194 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Hair05a' on Bone 'Hair05a'
maxFaceInfluences = 1; maxVertexInfluences = 1; NbBones = 1
352 Faces; 261 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Hair05c' on Bone 'Hair05c'
maxFaceInfluences = 1; maxVertexInfluences = 1; NbBones = 1
306 Faces; 225 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Hair05b' on Bone 'Hair05b'
maxFaceInfluences = 1; maxVertexInfluences = 1; NbBones = 1
292 Faces; 228 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Hair01d' on Bone 'Hair01d'
maxFaceInfluences = 1; maxVertexInfluences = 1; NbBones = 1
188 Faces; 191 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Hair01c' on Bone 'Hair01c'
maxFaceInfluences = 1; maxVertexInfluences = 1; NbBones = 1
188 Faces; 191 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Hair02d' on Bone 'Hair02d'
maxFaceInfluences = 2; maxVertexInfluences = 2; NbBones = 2
246 Faces; 194 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Hair05d' on Bone 'Hair05d'
maxFaceInfluences = 1; maxVertexInfluences = 1; NbBones = 1
306 Faces; 225 Vertices
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_Cuff04' on Bone 'Cuff04'
maxFaceInfluences = 1; maxVertexInfluences = 1; NbBones = 1
24 Faces; 16 Vertices
Radius: 26.4475
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Player.Jpg (Format: RgbA)
NumTex: 235; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 1024; Dy; 1024; Name: Data\Models\Textures\Player
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\BR.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Mode Reset to (1350,700); Pitch: 0
Meshes => NbVertex: 63; NbIndex: 1026 (Old NbP:50; loss: 26%)

================ 3DS Loader : Data\Models\FxSmoke.3DS ================
New Object: 'Plane01'
Convert Mesh: Data\Models\FxSmoke.3DS
Object Name: Plane01
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Fx\Smoke.tga (Format: RgbA)
Nb Points before merging: 4
Nb Points after merging: 4; NbFaces: 2; NbGhostPts: 0
Plane01 Radius: 141.421

Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Court06\CourtTex.Jpg (Format: Rgb)

================ 3DS Loader : Data\Models\Ground.3DS ================
New Object: 'PlayArea'
Convert Mesh: Data\Models\Ground.3DS
Object Name: PlayArea
Nb Points before merging: 51
Nb Points after merging: 45; NbFaces: 64; NbGhostPts: 0
PlayArea Radius: 2325.94

Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Stadium\In_Green\COURTIN1.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(256*256*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Stadium\Sign.Tga (Format: RgbA)

================ 3DS Loader : Data\Models\ChairUmpireIndoor.3DS ================
New Object: 'Ump_Settin'
New Object: 'Ump_Body'
New Object: 'Ump_Head'
Convert Mesh: Data\Models\ChairUmpireIndoor.3DS
Object Name: Ump_Body
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Npc.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Nb Points before merging: 833
Nb Points after merging: 592; NbFaces: 768; NbGhostPts: 95
Ump_Body Radius: 75.595

Object Name: Ump_Head
Nb Points before merging: 261
Nb Points after merging: 193; NbFaces: 264; NbGhostPts: 46
Ump_Head Radius: 23.0112

Object Name: Ump_Settin
Nb Points before merging: 2024
Nb Points after merging: 1500; NbFaces: 1252; NbGhostPts: 169
Ump_Settin Radius: 968.706

================ 3DS Loader : Data\Models\BallBoy.3DS ================
New Object: 'ball_boy'
Convert Mesh: Data\Models\BallBoy.3DS
Object Name: ball_boy
Nb Points before merging: 567
Nb Points after merging: 405; NbFaces: 480; NbGhostPts: 89
ball_boy Radius: 57.8304

================ 3DS Loader : Data\Models\CameraMan.3DS ================
New Object: 'camera_man'
Convert Mesh: Data\Models\CameraMan.3DS
Object Name: camera_man
Nb Points before merging: 835
Nb Points after merging: 598; NbFaces: 592; NbGhostPts: 93
camera_man Radius: 203.229

================ 3DS Loader : Data\Models\BallBoyStand.3DS ================
New Object: 'ball_boy02'
Convert Mesh: Data\Models\BallBoyStand.3DS
Object Name: ball_boy02
Nb Points before merging: 625
Nb Points after merging: 437; NbFaces: 499; NbGhostPts: 112
ball_boy02 Radius: 157.54

================ X Loader : LineJudge; in: Data\Models\LineJudge.X
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_line_judge' on Bone 'line_judge'
maxFaceInfluences = 3; maxVertexInfluences = 2; NbBones = 14
508 Faces; 412 Vertices
Radius: 183.75

================ 3DS Loader : Data\Models\LineJudgeChair.3DS ================
New Object: 'LJ_Chair'
Convert Mesh: Data\Models\LineJudgeChair.3DS
Object Name: LJ_Chair
Nb Points before merging: 120
Nb Points after merging: 98; NbFaces: 58; NbGhostPts: 0
LJ_Chair Radius: 106.527

================ 3DS Loader : Data\Models\CrowdMale.3DS ================
New Object: 'male05'
Convert Mesh: Data\Models\CrowdMale.3DS
Object Name: male05
Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Crowd\MALE_5.TGA (Format: Rgb)
Nb Points before merging: 246
Nb Points after merging: 175; NbFaces: 202; NbGhostPts: 37
male05 Radius: 99.9654

================ 3DS Loader : Data\Models\CrowdFemale.3DS ================
New Object: 'female06'
Convert Mesh: Data\Models\CrowdFemale.3DS
Object Name: female06
Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Crowd\FEMALE_6.TGA (Format: Rgb)
Nb Points before merging: 270
Nb Points after merging: 209; NbFaces: 226; NbGhostPts: 41
female06 Radius: 93.0514

================ X Loader : CrowdMaleSkin; in: Data\Models\CrowdMaleSkin.X
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_male05' on Bone 'male05'
maxFaceInfluences = 3; maxVertexInfluences = 2; NbBones = 6
202 Faces; 163 Vertices
Radius: 97.2596

================ X Loader : CrowdFemaleSkin; in: Data\Models\CrowdFemaleSkin.X
Info: Got Mesh 'mesh_female06' on Bone 'female06'
maxFaceInfluences = 3; maxVertexInfluences = 2; NbBones = 6
226 Faces; 194 Vertices
Radius: 97.1728
Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Crowd\Male_1.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Crowd\Male_2.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Crowd\Male_3.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Crowd\Male_4.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Crowd\Male_6.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Crowd\Male_7.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Crowd\Male_8.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Crowd\Female_1.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Crowd\Female_2.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Crowd\Female_3.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Crowd\Female_4.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Crowd\Female_5.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Crowd\Female_7.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*256*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Crowd\Female_8.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\MiscSprite\Misc_00.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(4*4*0)->Tex: .\Data\Textures\CourtLine.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Court Lines Radius: 1309.42

================ 3DS Loader : Data\Models\Net.3DS ================
New Object: 'net'
Convert Mesh: Data\Models\Net.3DS
Object Name: net
Bitmap(256*256*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Net.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Nb Points before merging: 868
Nb Points after merging: 694; NbFaces: 420; NbGhostPts: 236
net Radius: 520.726

================ 3DS Loader : Data\Models\BallShadow.3DS ================
New Object: 'Box01'
Convert Mesh: Data\Models\BallShadow.3DS
Object Name: Box01
Nb Points before merging: 4
Nb Points after merging: 4; NbFaces: 2; NbGhostPts: 0
Box01 Radius: 5.46636

================ 3DS Loader : Data\Models\BallPreview.3DS ================
New Object: 'Box01'
Convert Mesh: Data\Models\BallPreview.3DS
Object Name: Box01
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\BallPreview.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Nb Points before merging: 4
Nb Points after merging: 4; NbFaces: 2; NbGhostPts: 0
Box01 Radius: 68.6693

================ 3DS Loader : Data\Models\BallTrace.3DS ================
New Object: 'Box01'
Convert Mesh: Data\Models\BallTrace.3DS
Object Name: Box01
Nb Points before merging: 4
Nb Points after merging: 4; NbFaces: 2; NbGhostPts: 0
Box01 Radius: 4.6669

================ 3DS Loader : Data\Models\DangerZone.3DS ================
New Object: 'Box01'
Convert Mesh: Data\Models\DangerZone.3DS
Object Name: Box01
Nb Points before merging: 4
Nb Points after merging: 4; NbFaces: 2; NbGhostPts: 0
Box01 Radius: 0.707107

================ 3DS Loader : Data\Models\Aiming.3DS ================
New Object: 'Box01'
Convert Mesh: Data\Models\Aiming.3DS
Object Name: Box01
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Aiming.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Nb Points before merging: 4
Nb Points after merging: 4; NbFaces: 2; NbGhostPts: 0
Box01 Radius: 1.11803

================ 3DS Loader : Data\Models\ShadowSimple.3DS ================
New Object: 'Box01'
Convert Mesh: Data\Models\ShadowSimple.3DS
Object Name: Box01
Bitmap(64*64*256)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\ShadowSp.Gif (Format: Rgb)
Nb Points before merging: 4
Nb Points after merging: 4; NbFaces: 2; NbGhostPts: 0
Box01 Radius: 94.4981

Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Player.Jpg (Format: RgbA)
NumTex: 264; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 1024; Dy; 1024; Name: Data\Models\Textures\Player
Meshes => NbVertex: 25526; NbIndex: 61950 (Old NbP:49224; loss: -49%)
Mem available for Textures: 1685 MB
Back to rendering
DoRound: week 7, day 4, year 2009
DoRound: week 7, day 4, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\FR.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Court06\CourtTex.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Meshes => NbVertex: 25526; NbIndex: 61950 (Old NbP:49224; loss: -49%)
Mem available for Textures: 1652 MB
DoRound: week 7, day 5, year 2009
DoRound: week 7, day 7, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\GB.Tga (Format: Rgb)
DoRound: week 8, day 1, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\CZ.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Court06\CourtTex.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Meshes => NbVertex: 25526; NbIndex: 61950 (Old NbP:49224; loss: -49%)
Mem available for Textures: 1652 MB
DoRound: week 8, day 3, year 2009
DoRound: week 8, day 3, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\AU.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Court06\CourtTex.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Meshes => NbVertex: 25526; NbIndex: 61950 (Old NbP:49224; loss: -49%)
Mem available for Textures: 1652 MB
DoRound: week 8, day 4, year 2009
DoRound: week 8, day 4, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\US.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Court06\CourtTex.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Meshes => NbVertex: 25526; NbIndex: 61950 (Old NbP:49224; loss: -49%)
Mem available for Textures: 1651 MB
DoRound: week 8, day 5, year 2009
DoRound: week 8, day 5, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\DE.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Court06\CourtTex.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Meshes => NbVertex: 25526; NbIndex: 61950 (Old NbP:49224; loss: -49%)
Mem available for Textures: 1651 MB
assert: Te_Game.Cpp 4593 => m_ReboundStep[0] == es_None
WM_SIZE: 0 x 0
WM_SIZE: 1350 x 700
change to: 1350 x 700
Mode Reset to (1350,700); Pitch: 0
Meshes => NbVertex: 25526; NbIndex: 61950 (Old NbP:49224; loss: -49%)
Back to rendering
DoRound: week 8, day 6, year 2009
DoRound: week 8, day 6, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\US.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Court06\CourtTex.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Meshes => NbVertex: 25526; NbIndex: 61950 (Old NbP:49224; loss: -49%)
Mem available for Textures: 1653 MB
DoRound: week 8, day 7, year 2009
DoRound: week 8, day 7, year 2009
DoRound: week 9, day 7, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\GB.Tga (Format: Rgb)
DoRound: week 10, day 1, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\RO.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Court01\CourtTex.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Stadium\GS_Clay\COURTA01.Jpg (Format: Rgb)

================ 3DS Loader : Data\Models\SignOutdoor.3DS ================
New Object: 'sign'
Convert Mesh: Data\Models\SignOutdoor.3DS
Object Name: sign
Bitmap(256*256*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Stadium\Sign.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Nb Points before merging: 364
Nb Points after merging: 364; NbFaces: 182; NbGhostPts: 0
sign Radius: 3234.39

================ 3DS Loader : Data\Models\SkyBox01.3DS ================
New Object: 'SkyCylinde'
Convert Mesh: Data\Models\SkyBox01.3DS
Object Name: SkyCylinde
Bitmap(512*512*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\SkyBox.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Nb Points before merging: 72
Nb Points after merging: 51; NbFaces: 58; NbGhostPts: 15
SkyCylinde Radius: 2393.82

================ 3DS Loader : Data\Models\ChairUmpire.3DS ================
New Object: 'Ump_Settin'
New Object: 'Ump_Body'
New Object: 'Ump_Head'
Convert Mesh: Data\Models\ChairUmpire.3DS
Object Name: Ump_Body
Nb Points before merging: 833
Nb Points after merging: 592; NbFaces: 768; NbGhostPts: 95
Ump_Body Radius: 75.595

Object Name: Ump_Head
Nb Points before merging: 261
Nb Points after merging: 193; NbFaces: 264; NbGhostPts: 46
Ump_Head Radius: 23.0112

Object Name: Ump_Settin
Nb Points before merging: 2426
Nb Points after merging: 1852; NbFaces: 1528; NbGhostPts: 178
Ump_Settin Radius: 968.706

Meshes => NbVertex: 34057; NbIndex: 69441 (Old NbP:75057; loss: -55%)
Mem available for Textures: 1653 MB
DoRound: week 10, day 2, year 2009
DoRound: week 10, day 7, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\GB.Tga (Format: Rgb)
DoRound: week 11, day 1, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\BR.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Court04\CourtTex.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Stadium\Mid_Cement\COURTA01.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(256*256*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Stadium\Sign.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Meshes => NbVertex: 34057; NbIndex: 69441 (Old NbP:75057; loss: -55%)
Mem available for Textures: 1651 MB
DoRound: week 11, day 3, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\GB.Tga (Format: Rgb)
DoRound: week 11, day 3, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\RO.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Court04\CourtTex.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Meshes => NbVertex: 34057; NbIndex: 69441 (Old NbP:75057; loss: -55%)
Mem available for Textures: 1643 MB
DoRound: week 11, day 4, year 2009
DoRound: week 11, day 4, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\AU.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Court04\CourtTex.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Meshes => NbVertex: 34057; NbIndex: 69441 (Old NbP:75057; loss: -55%)
Mem available for Textures: 1643 MB
DoRound: week 11, day 5, year 2009
DoRound: week 11, day 5, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\CZ.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Court04\CourtTex.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Meshes => NbVertex: 34057; NbIndex: 69441 (Old NbP:75057; loss: -55%)
Mem available for Textures: 1643 MB
DoRound: week 11, day 6, year 2009
DoRound: week 11, day 6, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\PL.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Court04\CourtTex.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Meshes => NbVertex: 34057; NbIndex: 69441 (Old NbP:75057; loss: -55%)
Mem available for Textures: 1643 MB
DoRound: week 11, day 7, year 2009
DoRound: week 11, day 7, year 2009
DoRound: week 12, day 8, year 2009
DoRound: week 12, day 7, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\GB.Tga (Format: Rgb)
DoRound: week 13, day 1, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\NE.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Court05\CourtTex.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Stadium\COURTIN1.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(256*256*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Stadium\Sign.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Meshes => NbVertex: 28214; NbIndex: 69804 (Old NbP:51578; loss: -46%)
Mem available for Textures: 1647 MB
DoRound: week 13, day 2, year 2009
DoRound: week 13, day 3, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\FR.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Court05\CourtTex.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Meshes => NbVertex: 28214; NbIndex: 69804 (Old NbP:51578; loss: -46%)
Mem available for Textures: 1642 MB
DoRound: week 13, day 4, year 2009
DoRound: week 13, day 4, year 2009
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Court05\CourtTex.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Meshes => NbVertex: 28214; NbIndex: 69804 (Old NbP:51578; loss: -46%)
Mem available for Textures: 1642 MB
DoRound: week 13, day 5, year 2009
WM_SIZE: 0 x 0
WM_SIZE: 1350 x 700
change to: 1350 x 700
Mode Reset to (1350,700); Pitch: 0
Meshes => NbVertex: 28214; NbIndex: 69804 (Old NbP:51578; loss: -46%)
Back to rendering
DoRound: week 13, day 5, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\SE.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Court05\CourtTex.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Meshes => NbVertex: 28214; NbIndex: 69804 (Old NbP:51578; loss: -46%)
Mem available for Textures: 1672 MB
DoRound: week 13, day 6, year 2009
WM_SIZE: 0 x 0
WM_SIZE: 1350 x 700
change to: 1350 x 700
Mode Reset to (1350,700); Pitch: 0
Meshes => NbVertex: 28214; NbIndex: 69804 (Old NbP:51578; loss: -46%)
Back to rendering
DoRound: week 13, day 6, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\DE.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Court05\CourtTex.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Meshes => NbVertex: 28214; NbIndex: 69804 (Old NbP:51578; loss: -46%)
Mem available for Textures: 1672 MB
DoRound: week 13, day 7, year 2009
DoRound: week 13, day 7, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\GB.Tga (Format: Rgb)
DoRound: week 14, day 1, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\US.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Court09\CourtTex.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Stadium\Mid_GreenClay\COURTA01.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(256*256*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Stadium\Sign.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Meshes => NbVertex: 34057; NbIndex: 69441 (Old NbP:75057; loss: -55%)
Mem available for Textures: 1653 MB
DoRound: week 14, day 3, year 2009
DoRound: week 14, day 7, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\GB.Tga (Format: Rgb)
DoRound: week 15, day 1, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\IT.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Court06\CourtTex.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Stadium\In_Green\COURTIN1.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(256*256*0)->Tex: .\Data\Models\Textures\Stadium\Sign.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Meshes => NbVertex: 28214; NbIndex: 69804 (Old NbP:51578; loss: -46%)
Mem available for Textures: 1652 MB
DoRound: week 15, day 2, year 2009
DoRound: week 15, day 3, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\IE.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\GB.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Court06\CourtTex.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Meshes => NbVertex: 28214; NbIndex: 69804 (Old NbP:51578; loss: -46%)
Mem available for Textures: 1646 MB
DoRound: week 15, day 4, year 2009
DoRound: week 15, day 4, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\NL.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Court06\CourtTex.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Meshes => NbVertex: 28214; NbIndex: 69804 (Old NbP:51578; loss: -46%)
Mem available for Textures: 1646 MB
DoRound: week 15, day 5, year 2009
DoRound: week 15, day 5, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\FR.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Court06\CourtTex.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Meshes => NbVertex: 28214; NbIndex: 69804 (Old NbP:51578; loss: -46%)
Mem available for Textures: 1646 MB
DoRound: week 15, day 6, year 2009
DoRound: week 15, day 6, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\ZA.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*1024*0)->Tex: .\Data\Court06\CourtTex.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Meshes => NbVertex: 28214; NbIndex: 69804 (Old NbP:51578; loss: -46%)
Mem available for Textures: 1646 MB
DoRound: week 15, day 7, year 2009
DoRound: week 15, day 7, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\GB.Tga (Format: Rgb)
DoRound: week 16, day 1, year 2009
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: .\Data\Flags\DE.Tga (Format: Rgb)
=== Exit from Menu Action ===
Mem available for Textures: 1641 MB

=====> Exit GameSys <=====
SectionAdd : 87/128 ; EntryAdd 1628/8192
NbIniCode = 1172 (Max = 3500); Size = 13848 bytes (Max = 35000)
Mem available for Textures: 1678 MB
Info: MaxV: 6305; MaxI: 10680; NbPrim: 384945832; AvgV: -2; AvgI: 1; ST::NbMaxEntry: 42; ST::BufLgt: 5
NbVertexShader created on the fly : 7
tennis enthusiastic
tennis enthusiastic
Messages: 6
Gaming Since: 21 Dec 2011, 16:25

Re: Sound fault

Postby manutoo » 21 Dec 2011, 16:53

Ok, it seems the game can't find any sound file.
Did you install a Game Modification in addition of the main game..
Try to reinstall the game, it should likely fix the problem. Possibly, reboot your PC before to reinstall it.
== Mana Games ==

>> I don't answer Private Message, except if it's really a _Private_ topic <<
User avatar
Game Author
Messages: 19202
Gaming Since: 24 Jan 2004, 15:38
Location: France

Re: Sound fault

Postby Aite » 21 Dec 2011, 20:27

Alas I'm still having the same problem :/
tennis enthusiastic
tennis enthusiastic
Messages: 6
Gaming Since: 21 Dec 2011, 16:25

Re: Sound fault

Postby manutoo » 22 Dec 2011, 02:54

Could you look into "C:\Program Files\Tennis Elbow 2011\Sound" ? Do you see .ogg files instead of .wav files ..?
Could you try to install the game in "C:\Tennis Elbow 2011\" instead of "C:\Program Files\Tennis Elbow 2011\" ..?
== Mana Games ==

>> I don't answer Private Message, except if it's really a _Private_ topic <<
User avatar
Game Author
Messages: 19202
Gaming Since: 24 Jan 2004, 15:38
Location: France

Re: Sound fault

Postby Aite » 22 Dec 2011, 14:02

I've tried installing it in C:\Tennis Elbow 2011\ but it's the same problem, fine but for the sound.

They are all .wav files in the sound folder not .ogg

Any more suggestions? I'm really bereft of ideas right now
tennis enthusiastic
tennis enthusiastic
Messages: 6
Gaming Since: 21 Dec 2011, 16:25

Re: Sound fault

Postby manutoo » 23 Dec 2011, 04:16

Check your audio settings, and possibly update your audio drivers ; the problem could be related to that...
Can you hear sound in other games ?
== Mana Games ==

>> I don't answer Private Message, except if it's really a _Private_ topic <<
User avatar
Game Author
Messages: 19202
Gaming Since: 24 Jan 2004, 15:38
Location: France

Re: Sound fault

Postby Aite » 23 Dec 2011, 15:01

The sound for everything else on my computer is perfect, I will have a look at the drivers and such
tennis enthusiastic
tennis enthusiastic
Messages: 6
Gaming Since: 21 Dec 2011, 16:25

Re: Sound fault

Postby Aite » 24 Dec 2011, 01:44

After some dicking around I managed to fix the fault :)
tennis enthusiastic
tennis enthusiastic
Messages: 6
Gaming Since: 21 Dec 2011, 16:25

Re: Sound fault

Postby manutoo » 24 Dec 2011, 04:57

From where the problem was coming from ? :fear:
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Re: Sound fault

Postby Aite » 24 Dec 2011, 23:23

Well the sound files just wouldnt load for some reason. What I did was download the demo on another computer and replace the faulty sound files with ones that worked. An unlikely but ultimately effective problem. The version I downloaded initially must have been faulty.
tennis enthusiastic
tennis enthusiastic
Messages: 6
Gaming Since: 21 Dec 2011, 16:25

Re: Sound fault

Postby manutoo » 25 Dec 2011, 04:14

Hum, it looks like the .ogg => .wav conversion done during the installation created faulty .wav files ... I wonder how that could happen... :thinking:
== Mana Games ==

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