guaranteed 2nd serve ace

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guaranteed 2nd serve ace

Postby Brad1981 » 20 Sep 2011, 20:27

When I do a 2nd serve kick serve, I am always able to get an ace against the computer. My player is left-handed and the computer is right-handed. When I serve a 2nd serve kick serve out wide in the deuce side of the court, the computer doesn't react fast enough and it is always an ace. This doesn't happen on the 1st serve. It only happens on the 2nd serve.
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Re: guaranteed 2nd serve ace

Postby manutoo » 21 Sep 2011, 04:40


on what difficulty..?
Did you change the running speed of the CPU..?
I did a quick try and it seems rather impossible to ace him like this.
By 2nd serve, do you mean B2 or B1 .? (B1 = Safe 1st serve)
Maybe try to do .dmo if you didn't Mod your game...
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Re: guaranteed 2nd serve ace

Postby lreese » 22 Sep 2011, 08:47


I've encountered this exploit too. In the ad court (my player is right-handed and I don't think it matters what hand the CPU plays), a safe kick serve (b2 + up + down) out wide produces an ace. Not always, but far more than it should. It seems easisest to do on a clay court.

I have not slowed down the CPU. I play at about Junior 5 difficulty with sim controls. Latest version, 1.0c build 75, I think...
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: guaranteed 2nd serve ace

Postby Maria Sharapova » 23 Sep 2011, 14:20

I have to agree with the 2 of them. I play with Incredible 10, and yet doing a kick serve to the backhand produces an easy ace. It's unusual for the CPU to start running backwards from their usual service return position, then totally miss the ball.. :thinking:

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Re: guaranteed 2nd serve ace

Postby manutoo » 23 Sep 2011, 18:28

A .dmo showing that would great... (in 1st game, if possible ;) )
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