Weird game : scoring bug ?

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Re: Weird game : scoring bug ?

Postby nikzy » 24 Jan 2011, 12:52

manutoo wrote:Ok, I found the bug : it happens when the ball bounces on the same end than the player who just struck it, then bounce over the net touching it, and falls on the other end of the court. It shouldn't happen too often... ;)

igorjos9 was it the same case in your match against Tati ?

nikzzzz & M.Sharapova, did any net clip occur at the end of your problematic point ?

i guess no
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Re: Weird game : scoring bug ?

Postby Igor Josifoski » 24 Jan 2011, 13:59

ManuToo, the situation against Tati Cornet is pretty similar but not the same. Watch that too. The point is on 5-2 (ADV-tati).
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Re: Weird game : scoring bug ?

Postby Maria Sharapova » 24 Jan 2011, 14:38

manutoo wrote:Ok, I found the bug : it happens when the ball bounces on the same end than the player who just struck it, then bounce over the net touching it, and falls on the other end of the court. It shouldn't happen too often... ;)

igorjos9 was it the same case in your match against Tati ?

nikzzzz & M.Sharapova, did any net clip occur at the end of your problematic point ?

nope, though i found the dmo, watched it and found the bug. Its a point on deuce where i run into the net trying to make a drop shot and it drops before the net and instead of nikzzz winning the ADV, i won the point, two points before i got a 5-2 lead.

heres the dmo if you want to see it. the bug was 2 points before 5-2.
2011-01-23.17-11 - M.Sha vs nikzy 7-6.dmo
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Re: Weird game : scoring bug ?

Postby nikzy » 24 Jan 2011, 15:18

M.Sharapova wrote:
nope, though i found the dmo, watched it and found the bug. Its a point on deuce where i run into the net trying to make a drop shot and it drops before the net and instead of nikzzz winning the ADV, i won the point, two points before i got a 5-2 lead.

heres the dmo if you want to see it. the bug was 2 points before 5-2.
2011-01-23.17-11 - M.Sha vs nikzy 7-6.dmo

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Re: Weird game : scoring bug ?

Postby manutoo » 24 Jan 2011, 15:39

Ok, got that 2nd bug as well..!
It was when the ball was bouncing & hitting the net at exactly the same time, the bounce was down before the net collision, thus the ball was seen on the other side on the net for the fault checking... :sweat:

It happened both for "M.Sha vs nikzy" & "Josif vs T.Cor".

Don't hesitate to attach your .dmo in any bug/glitch u may notice in the future, it's much easier for me to find what's wrong..! :yes:
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