Replay bug

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Replay bug

Postby SC Tom » 16 Jul 2010, 22:10

I normally don't watch the replays of the previous point too often, but I did today since it was a nice 45 stroke rally, mostly at the net. (It's a doubles match.)
During play, my partner and I were in the near court. But when I showed the replay, we were in the far court with our backs to the net, and our opponents were in the near court with their backs to the net, facing the crowd. It was a good rally, considering no one is looking at the ball :lol: !

I wish I had done a screen print of it since I restarted the game, and now I can't duplicate it. :( If it happens again, I'll be sure to attach a screen of it.
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SC Tom
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Re: Replay bug

Postby manutoo » 17 Jul 2010, 03:26


this bug has already been reported and is fixed with the yesterday's SubBuild.
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Re: Replay bug

Postby SC Tom » 17 Jul 2010, 13:12

Sorry, I didn't see the previous report of it. I had downloaded the latest patch, but got busy and forgot to install it before playing. Looks like I was a day late and a dollar short again :(


Edit: Actually, I did install it, but it didn't go to my default installation folder, it went to a new one.
I notice that the player.ini files are overwritten with each patch, therefore wiping out any outfit changes that may have been made in the previous sub-build. Is it OK to keep the old ini files and use them with the new executable and pak02.pak file? The dates on the ini files don't seem to change unless I edit it for outfit changes.
Thanks again!
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SC Tom
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Replay bug

Postby manutoo » 18 Jul 2010, 05:29

SC Tom,
Usually, it's ok to keep the .ini, but sometimes not, when I add some options to the game.
You could also use the Save/Load feature to not lose your players.

And about the bug report, it's always better to have 2 than none ! :yes:
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