Hi, I bought Tennis Elbow yesterday, very happy with it.
When I first started I got so confused that I almost gave up though. I went to World Tour and then it shows a screen with a 'blank' player skills screen. At the time I thought 'I already created my profile' (although I didn't realise it was for the training only) and so I didn't click "New Game" - actually I didn't even notice it for about 5 attempts.
If you don't click "New Game" and then go into the Draws, Results, etc, then it's all very weird and broken - lots of bugs showing up, then click Next Game and it goes into an infinite loop, spinning through the weeks with nothing happening. The first time I didn't understand and thought maybe it was setting something up, so I sat and watched this for a while! Had to kill it with Task Manager.
Then when I finally saw the New Game option I figured out what was going on and I haven't seen any other bugs since then.
Perhaps the solution for this is to have a "New Game / Load Game" screen immediately after clicking on World Tour. It shouldn't be possible to miss "New Game".