No Sound on Linux Red Hat 7

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No Sound on Linux Red Hat 7

Postby bpoudr » 22 May 2015, 21:33

I have TennisElbow 2013 1.0f for linux and I installed it on a system running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. The game looks great, but I get no sound whatsoever. When I look through the system.log I see this error:

=====> Sound init <=====
Warning: can't init audio system (Mix_OpenAudio: Unsupported image format)
Warning : Sound Init Failed

===> Tennis Elbow 2013 1.0f Init <=== (version: 1.0f; build: 113; date: Feb 21 2015; time: 09:48:26)

What should I do?
tennis curious
Messages: 1
Gaming Since: 22 May 2015, 21:19

Re: No SOund

Postby manutoo » 23 May 2015, 10:40


sorry, I have no idea what's going on... I guess it's either SDL lib I'm using that doesn't support your sound drivers, or vice versa.
Maybe you could try to look if Red Hat has a sound issue with SDL 1.2 games.
== Mana Games ==

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