In-game help options not saved

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In-game help options not saved

Postby CC » 13 Feb 2009, 16:52

Often when I open the game or switch profiles, I find that my in-game help options for ball preview and auto-positioning are at I guess default levels rather than at what I always set them to (all + danger zone; and slow to left, right & forward). So, sometimes I start a game and don't have the ball preview (which I really need -- sorry :) ), and I feel like I am blindfolded while playing and have to end the match in order to change this. It also would be nice if this could be changed during an online match.
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Re: In-game help options not saved

Postby Algo » 13 Feb 2009, 18:12

i have the same problem, when i go to online games,... if my opponent doesn't use any preview then, when i go back to warm up or i play another match with someone else, i don't have it anymore, if i go to warm up is not a problem but if i play another match right after playing with someone with no preview, is annoying
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Re: In-game help options not saved

Postby manutoo » 17 Feb 2009, 06:43

Got the bug with the online play changing the preview & autopos settings, it'll be fixed with next update...
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