annoying online bug : connection lost

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annoying online bug : connection lost

Postby Algo » 09 Feb 2009, 15:48

i don't know if it's really a bug of the game or something with my connection, i'm often about to win(or loose...), and the game froze and some seconds after it says connection lost and sometimes, like today, it's saying that i retired and i lost 56 elo, i was leading 5-4, 15-15, why i'd quit!, f___ :roll: sometimes nothing happens, just the connection lost, and sometimes my opponent lost elo, the game is kinda crazy(or my connection, if it's my connection, nothing to do :roll: )
don't know if this has happened to someone else
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Re: annoying online bug

Postby manutoo » 10 Feb 2009, 06:42

If the connection is lost, the game treats it like if the demo time was over, so its choice of winner & loser is kinda random...

And if the connection is lost often when u play, it's likely coz ur connection isn't too good (or u play against people whose connection isn't too good)...
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