Touchpad select bug

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Touchpad select bug

Postby Nitrous_18 » 23 Jun 2014, 18:32

I recently installed the latest version of the game on a new laptop and noticed at the menu that whenever I would select any icon using the touchpad simply by tapping it, it would result in the game repeatedly clicking and looping for an infinite amount of time until closing the game. I noticed that this problem went away when I press left click but would always return if I used the touchpad for selecting any icon in any menu.

This sounds like a strange problem that might be associated with my laptop but this issue only occurs when I play this game.
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Re: Touchpad select bug

Postby manutoo » 24 Jun 2014, 03:41


on my laptop, tapping doesn't give anything in TE at all. I think the tapping behavior is probably handled by the pad drivers. If it's working in other games, maybe it's coz TE is using DX8 while all other games moved to DX9 a long time ago, and there are some incompatibilities with it in the pad drivers (I'm just guessing there ;) ).
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