Training problem on World Tour, not sure if it's a bug

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Training problem on World Tour, not sure if it's a bug

Postby Santiago92 » 13 Dec 2008, 18:14

I got a problem with the training on World Tour mode. It's supposed that if I don't play one week, I get 42 hours for training, don't I? My first tournament was on week 5 (qualy for Future), but I didn't get 42*4 = 168 hours of training. My second tournamente was on week 7, but I got 14 hours and 40 minutes for training, not 42 (week 5) + 24 (4 days of week 6).

Is it a bug? Is it right that I get 14:40 hours before each tournament or should I get 6 hours for each day I don't play?
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Re: Training problem on World Tour, not sure if it's a bug

Postby manutoo » 14 Dec 2008, 05:53


you should read the doc you translated : ... l#training

The training time is capped by the number of available experience points.
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Re: Training problem on World Tour, not sure if it's a bug

Postby Santiago92 » 21 Dec 2008, 04:34

I think I got it.
Each hour is divided by 3, so each hour is equivalent to 20 minutes or you can use 3 experience points for each available hour.

Anyway, I found a bug.
Suppose you have 1 hour (equivalent to 3 hours) left. Then you use 1 experience point (20 minutes), so the game shows you have 1 hour and 20 minutes left. You use 1 experience point again and it shows 40 minutes left, and finally you use 1 experience point and it finally shows 0 minutes left. It should be 1 - 0.40 - 0.20 and 0, instead of 1 - 1.20 - 0.40 - 0.
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Re: Training problem on World Tour, not sure if it's a bug

Postby manutoo » 21 Dec 2008, 06:16

No, it doesn't do exactly like that.

Also, u messed up a bit your example, coz u start from 1h left , and then go to 1h20 left on 2nd step, so I'm not sure what u mean... :?
But the time needed to spend 1 point of experience varies with the difficulty level, as well as with the level of your skills. Most skills need more points after 60 & 90%.
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Re: Training problem on World Tour, not sure if it's a bug

Postby Santiago92 » 23 Dec 2008, 00:18

I wanted to mean this:

For example, suppose you have 1h left. Then you use 1 experience point and the screen shows 1h20m left instead of 0h40m. Again I use 1 experience point and it shows 0h40m instead of 0h20m...
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Re: Training problem on World Tour, not sure if it's a bug

Postby manutoo » 23 Dec 2008, 05:49

Ok, I got it this time... :P
And I fixed this display bug..!
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