Problem with mouse

the place to report any bug met in the game

Problem with mouse

Postby Guest » 26 Sep 2005, 13:15


I have the newest full version of your game and run it on windows 2000 pro with logitech cordless keyboard/mouse.

Unfourtnately the mouse will not work in the game. I can play alright, just gets annoying trying to access different parts of the game with the keyboard.

Postby manutoo » 26 Sep 2005, 15:16


hum, that's strange. :?
With the Windows Notepad, could you open the "System.log" file from your Tennis Elbow directory, and copy/paste everything from there ?
Put it in this topic, or send it by message here :

== Mana Games ==

>> I don't answer Private Message, except if it's really a _Private_ topic <<
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Game Author
Messages: 19202
Gaming Since: 24 Jan 2004, 15:38
Location: France

Postby Guest » 26 Sep 2005, 18:46

Opened Pak 'Data\Pak01.Pak', with 742 files inside

=====> Devices init <=====

=====> 3D engine init <=====
3dEngine Init; version: 2.00.90; date: Aug 30 2005; time: 00:16:33
DDD - Name: NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 ; Device: nv4_disp.dll
Mem available for Textures: 144 MB
=== Exit from Menu Action ===
Mem available for Textures: 135 MB

=====> Exit GameSys <=====
NbIniCode = 407 (Max = 2000); Size = 4231 bytes (Max = 20000)
Mem available for Textures: 150 MB
Info: MaxV: 480; MaxI: 720; NbPrim: 4443829; AvgV: 19; AvgI: 31
NbVertexShader created onfly : 7

Postby manutoo » 27 Sep 2005, 07:34

ok, it seems the engine doesn't detect any trouble with the mouse, and can init it normally.

Do you have any trouble in other games ?
Maybe you should try to update your mouse drivers...

== Mana Games ==

>> I don't answer Private Message, except if it's really a _Private_ topic <<
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Game Author
Messages: 19202
Gaming Since: 24 Jan 2004, 15:38
Location: France

Postby Chipsy » 27 Sep 2005, 12:26

I have the newest full version of your game and run it on windows 98, mouse will not work in the game. Mouse is optic Genius.

Opened Pak 'Data\Pak01.Pak', with 742 files inside

=====> Devices init <=====
DID - DevName: USB Dual Shock Pad; ProdName: USB Dual Shock Pad
Joy 1: NbAxes = 4; NbButtons = 12; NbPovs = 1

=====> 3D engine init <=====
3dEngine Init; version: 2.00.90; date: Aug 30 2005; time: 00:16:33
DDD - Name: NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Model 64 V1.88; Device: NVDD32.DLL
Display Device: NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Model 64 V1.88
GM 0: (320 x 200, 16 bits, 0 hz)
GM 1: (320 x 200, 32 bits, 0 hz)
GM 2: (320 x 240, 16 bits, 0 hz)
GM 3: (320 x 240, 32 bits, 0 hz)
GM 4: (400 x 300, 16 bits, 0 hz)
GM 5: (400 x 300, 32 bits, 0 hz)
GM 6: (480 x 360, 16 bits, 0 hz)
GM 7: (480 x 360, 32 bits, 0 hz)
GM 8: (512 x 384, 16 bits, 0 hz)
GM 9: (512 x 384, 32 bits, 0 hz)
GM 10: (640 x 400, 16 bits, 0 hz)
GM 11: (640 x 400, 32 bits, 0 hz)
GM 12: (640 x 480, 16 bits, 0 hz)
GM 13: (640 x 480, 32 bits, 0 hz)
GM 14: (800 x 600, 16 bits, 0 hz)
GM 15: (800 x 600, 32 bits, 0 hz)
GM 16: (960 x 720, 16 bits, 0 hz)
GM 17: (960 x 720, 32 bits, 0 hz)
GM 18: (1024 x 768, 16 bits, 0 hz)
GM 19: (1024 x 768, 32 bits, 0 hz)
GM 20: (1152 x 864, 16 bits, 0 hz)
GM 21: (1152 x 864, 32 bits, 0 hz)
GM 22: (1280 x 960, 16 bits, 0 hz)
GM 23: (1280 x 960, 32 bits, 0 hz)
GM 24: (1280 x 1024, 16 bits, 0 hz)
GM 25: (1280 x 1024, 32 bits, 0 hz)
GM 26: (1600 x 900, 16 bits, 0 hz)
GM 27: (1600 x 900, 32 bits, 0 hz)
GM 28: (1600 x 1200, 16 bits, 0 hz)
GM 29: (1600 x 1200, 32 bits, 0 hz)
GM 30: (1920 x 1080, 16 bits, 0 hz)
GM 31: (1920 x 1080, 32 bits, 0 hz)
GM 32: (1920 x 1200, 16 bits, 0 hz)
GM 33: (1920 x 1200, 32 bits, 0 hz)
GM 34: (1920 x 1440, 16 bits, 0 hz)
GM 35: (1920 x 1440, 32 bits, 0 hz)
=========> D3D info <==========
Mode set to 1024x768x32 (0hz) (ZBuf: 0; Stencil: 0; Sample: 0; Fullscreen)
Mem available for Textures: 38 MB
HW Rasterization: Yes; HW TnL: No
Supported patches: NPatches : No; Bezier : No; RT : No
HW Clipping of TL Vertex : Yes
ColorWriteEnable : No
Can render patches efficiently without caching : No
Z compare func:
Never: On
Less: On
Equal: On
LessEqual: On
Greater: On
NotEqual: On
GreaterEqual: On
Always: On
Anti-aliasing => Edge: No
Z Bias: No
Fog Range: Yes
Fog PixelTable: Yes
Fog Vertex: Yes
W-Fog: Yes
W-Buffer: Yes
HSR without ZBuffer: No
Poly Z Test: No
MipMap Bias: Yes
Max PointSize: 64
Max Anisotropy: 2
Max MaxActiveLights: -1
Alpha => Gouraud: Yes; Texture: Yes; Palette: No
SrcBlend: BothInvSrcAlpha BothSrcAlpha DestAlpha DestColor InvDestAlpha InvDestColor InvSrcAlpha InvSrcColor One SrcAlpha SrcAlphaSat SrcColor Zero
DstBlend: BothInvSrcAlpha BothSrcAlpha DestAlpha DestColor InvDestAlpha InvDestColor InvSrcAlpha InvSrcColor One SrcAlpha SrcAlphaSat SrcColor Zero
ColorOp: Add AddSigned AddSigned2X AddSmooth BlendCurrentAlpha BlendDiffuseAlpha BlendFactorAlpha BlendTextureAlpha BlendTextureAlphaPM Disable Modulate Modulate2X Modulate4X ModulateAlpha_AddColor ModulateColor_AddAlpha ModulateInvalpha_AddColor ModulateInvColor_AddAlpha PreModulate SelectArg1 SelectArg2 Subtract
TexAddress: Clamp IndependentUV Mirror Wrap
Texture must be Power of 2: Yes
Texture must be square: No
Volumetric texture: No
Texture size: Min(1, 1); Max(2048, 2048)
Texture projection: PerVertex
Max Blend Stages: 8; Max Simultaneous Textures: 2; Max Tex Coord : 8
Max Texture Repeat: 0
Max Texture Aspect Ratio: 0
GuardBand from (-2048, -2048) to (2047, 2047)
Need to strip FVF : No
VertexShader Version : 1.1
PixelShader Version : 0.0
MaxNumber of streams : 16
=========> end of D3D info <==========
Texture: A8R8G8B8 32 bits ALPHA RGB
Texture: X8R8G8B8 32 bits RGB
Texture: R5G6B5 16 bits RGB
Texture: X1R5G5B5 16 bits RGB
Texture: A1R5G5B5 16 bits ALPHA RGB
Texture: A4R4G4B4 16 bits ALPHA RGB
==> Pal8 Tex: (null) 00 bits
==> RgbX Tex: X8R8G8B8 32 bits RGB
==> RgbA Tex: A8R8G8B8 32 bits ALPHA RGB
Linear Fog On
=====> Shaders init <=====
Validate 0: 1
Validate 1: 1
Validate 2: 1
Validate 3: 1
Validate 4: -1
Validate 6: -1
Load shader file 'SpecialFx\WaterMirror.Shader'
Load shader file 'Scripts\Global.Shader'
Load shader file 'Scripts\Fx.Shader'
Load shader file 'Scripts\HUD.Shader'
Load shader file 'Scripts\Menu.Shader'
68 Shaders loaded: 92 stages, 86 TcMod, 33 DeformVertex and 0 AnimMaps
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Circle.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Radius: 1.41421
Meshes => NbVertex: 4; NbIndex: 780 (Old NbP:4; loss: 0%)
Bitmap(512*512*0)->Tex: Menu\Font\HugeChars.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Back to rendering
Bitmap(256*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\TennisElbow.Tga (Format: RgbA)

=====> Sound init <=====
SoundCaps: Freq min = 8000; Freq max = 48000; PrimaryChannel = 2; Prim8b = 0; Prim16b = 1; 2nd8b = 0; 2nd16 = 1
Sound Card => Primary Stereo : yes; Buffer Stereo : yes

===> TE2005 Init <=== (version: 1.0a; date: Sep 14 2005; time: 00:42:50)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Data\Textures\NotFound.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(2*8*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Line.Tga (Format: Rgb)
238 countries found
Loaded 'Data\Players.Ini' with 300 players
Loaded 'Data\TourCategory.Ini' with 19 categories
Loaded 'Data\Tour.Ini' with 125 tournaments
Found 4 Team cup rounds (Max = 5) (sizeof WT = 8334 KB)

=====> Menu init <=====
sizeof => item: 216; menu: 252; action: 12
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\CursorBall.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\CursorMask.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Arrow.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Meshes\Textures\Grille02.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Bg\Main.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Bar01.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\RoundBg01.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\CircleRainbow.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Bg\Tournament.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(16*16*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\RoundBg03.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Soul_Human.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\TrainingClub.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\WorldTour.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Credits.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(256*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\TennisElbow.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Bg\Club01.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Play.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\CharacterSheet.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\PlayOptions.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Back.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\ArrowU.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\ArrowD.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(512*512*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Bg\Victory.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Done.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Bg\Abstract01.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Board_LastYear.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Count.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(512*512*0)->Tex: Menu\Font\HugeCharsAdd_r90.jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(256*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\2005_deg25.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Side_Profile.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Side_Controls.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Side_Audio.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Side_Video.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Side_MiscOption.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Quit.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Arrow.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(2*16*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\RectBg03.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\WarmUp.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Match.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerStat.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Load.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(16*2*0)->Tex: Data\Flags\Wave.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Soul_CPU.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Save.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Style_Defenser.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Style_Puncher.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Style_Varied.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Style_Volleyer.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Bar03.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*16*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\SkillBar.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Hair.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Shirt.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Cuff.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Char_Hand.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Shorts.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Skin.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\NewGame.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerBnk.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Double.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Single.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\VolumeBar.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Court01.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Court02.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Court03.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Court04.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Court05.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\NbSet01.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\NbSet02.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\NbSet03.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerCfg01.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerCfg04.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Bg\WorldTour.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Entry.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Race.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Board_DrawFinal.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Board_DrawQualif.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Court06.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(1*1*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Court07.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1*1*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Court08.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1*1*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Court09.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1*1*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Court10.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerCfg02.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerCfg03.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\SwapEndsOff.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\SwapEndsOn.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\NextMatch.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\TourInfo.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(4*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\ReplayBarCenter.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\ReplayBarEdge.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(64*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\NavButton.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(16*16*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Nav_Beg.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*16*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Nav_2x.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*16*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Nav_d4.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(16*16*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Nav_Pause.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(16*16*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Nav_1x.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\ReplayBarInfo.Tga (Format: RgbA)
102 Menus loaded in 7477 ms; 1126 Items; 1092 Actions; 12 VarRT; 3299 Cfg; 6967 Param
==> Memory needed for menu structures : 330 KB
===> Total Init Time = 19.442 s
WM_SIZE: 1024 x 768
Info: DeviceNotReset
Mode Reset to (1024,768); Pitch: 0
Meshes => NbVertex: 4; NbIndex: 780 (Old NbP:4; loss: 0%)
Back to rendering
=== Exit from MenuBack() ===
Mem available for Textures: 34 MB

=====> Exit GameSys <=====
NbIniCode = 403 (Max = 2000); Size = 4212 bytes (Max = 20000)
Mem available for Textures: 37 MB
Info: MaxV: 216; MaxI: 324; NbPrim: 24709; AvgV: 11; AvgI: 27
NbVertexShader created onfly : 7

Postby Guest » 27 Sep 2005, 14:18

your game is the only problem I have it with.

I also have the latest drivers.

Postby manutoo » 27 Sep 2005, 17:20


@ Guest :

what is your Windows version ?
the mouse doesn't work in fullscreen or in windowed mode ?

you see the mouse cursor but it doesn't move when you move the mouse, right ?

@ Chipsy :

same questions for you... :)

== Mana Games ==

>> I don't answer Private Message, except if it's really a _Private_ topic <<
User avatar
Game Author
Messages: 19202
Gaming Since: 24 Jan 2004, 15:38
Location: France

Postby Guest » 28 Sep 2005, 09:32

okay, I'm the thread opener ;)

I just went to config, and clicked windowed.

started the game, the game opened to full window and mouse works fine.

So, I guess thats resolved :)


Postby manutoo » 03 Oct 2005, 07:19


if you could tell me what is happening in windowed mode, I could try to fix it...

you see the mouse cursor but it doesn't move when you move the mouse, or is it something else ?

== Mana Games ==

>> I don't answer Private Message, except if it's really a _Private_ topic <<
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Game Author
Messages: 19202
Gaming Since: 24 Jan 2004, 15:38
Location: France

Postby Chipsy » 03 Oct 2005, 19:04

mouse doesn't work in fullscreen mode, mouse works fine in windows mode. I see the mouse cursor but it doesn't move.
:cry: :oops: Sorry, I`am litle speak english. I`am is Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Postby manutoo » 08 Oct 2005, 13:19

your english is good enough, I can understand it ! ;)

But unfortunately, I have no idea what could be wrong... :roll:
Maybe you could try to update your mouse driver...?
== Mana Games ==

>> I don't answer Private Message, except if it's really a _Private_ topic <<
User avatar
Game Author
Messages: 19202
Gaming Since: 24 Jan 2004, 15:38
Location: France

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