by Martín » 14 Sep 2005, 01:44
I'm posting here the system.log content.
Cheers and thanks from Mexico
Opened Pak 'Data\Pak01.Pak', with 742 files inside
=====> Devices init <=====
=====> 3D engine init <=====
3dEngine Init; version: 2.00.90; date: Aug 30 2005; time: 00:16:33
DDD - Name: RADEON 9550; Device: ati2dvag.dll
Display Device: RADEON 9550
GM 0: (320 x 200, 16 bits, 60 hz)
GM 1: (320 x 200, 32 bits, 60 hz)
GM 2: (320 x 200, 16 bits, 75 hz)
GM 3: (320 x 200, 32 bits, 75 hz)
GM 4: (320 x 240, 16 bits, 60 hz)
GM 5: (320 x 240, 32 bits, 60 hz)
GM 6: (320 x 240, 16 bits, 75 hz)
GM 7: (320 x 240, 32 bits, 75 hz)
GM 8: (400 x 300, 16 bits, 60 hz)
GM 9: (400 x 300, 32 bits, 60 hz)
GM 10: (400 x 300, 16 bits, 75 hz)
GM 11: (400 x 300, 32 bits, 75 hz)
GM 12: (512 x 384, 16 bits, 60 hz)
GM 13: (512 x 384, 32 bits, 60 hz)
GM 14: (512 x 384, 16 bits, 75 hz)
GM 15: (512 x 384, 32 bits, 75 hz)
GM 16: (640 x 400, 16 bits, 60 hz)
GM 17: (640 x 400, 32 bits, 60 hz)
GM 18: (640 x 400, 16 bits, 75 hz)
GM 19: (640 x 400, 32 bits, 75 hz)
GM 20: (640 x 480, 16 bits, 60 hz)
GM 21: (640 x 480, 32 bits, 60 hz)
GM 22: (640 x 480, 16 bits, 72 hz)
GM 23: (640 x 480, 32 bits, 72 hz)
GM 24: (640 x 480, 16 bits, 75 hz)
GM 25: (640 x 480, 32 bits, 75 hz)
GM 26: (640 x 480, 16 bits, 85 hz)
GM 27: (640 x 480, 32 bits, 85 hz)
GM 28: (720 x 480, 16 bits, 60 hz)
GM 29: (720 x 480, 32 bits, 60 hz)
GM 30: (720 x 480, 16 bits, 75 hz)
GM 31: (720 x 480, 32 bits, 75 hz)
GM 32: (720 x 480, 16 bits, 85 hz)
GM 33: (720 x 480, 32 bits, 85 hz)
GM 34: (720 x 576, 16 bits, 59 hz)
GM 35: (720 x 576, 32 bits, 59 hz)
GM 36: (720 x 576, 16 bits, 60 hz)
GM 37: (720 x 576, 32 bits, 60 hz)
GM 38: (720 x 576, 16 bits, 75 hz)
GM 39: (720 x 576, 32 bits, 75 hz)
GM 40: (800 x 600, 16 bits, 56 hz)
GM 41: (800 x 600, 32 bits, 56 hz)
GM 42: (800 x 600, 16 bits, 60 hz)
GM 43: (800 x 600, 32 bits, 60 hz)
GM 44: (800 x 600, 16 bits, 70 hz)
GM 45: (800 x 600, 32 bits, 70 hz)
GM 46: (800 x 600, 16 bits, 72 hz)
GM 47: (800 x 600, 32 bits, 72 hz)
GM 48: (800 x 600, 16 bits, 75 hz)
GM 49: (800 x 600, 32 bits, 75 hz)
GM 50: (800 x 600, 16 bits, 85 hz)
GM 51: (800 x 600, 32 bits, 85 hz)
GM 52: (848 x 480, 16 bits, 60 hz)
GM 53: (848 x 480, 32 bits, 60 hz)
GM 54: (848 x 480, 16 bits, 75 hz)
GM 55: (848 x 480, 32 bits, 75 hz)
GM 56: (848 x 480, 16 bits, 85 hz)
GM 57: (848 x 480, 32 bits, 85 hz)
GM 58: (1024 x 768, 16 bits, 60 hz)
GM 59: (1024 x 768, 32 bits, 60 hz)
GM 60: (1024 x 768, 16 bits, 70 hz)
GM 61: (1024 x 768, 32 bits, 70 hz)
GM 62: (1024 x 768, 16 bits, 72 hz)
GM 63: (1024 x 768, 32 bits, 72 hz)
GM 64: (1024 x 768, 16 bits, 75 hz)
GM 65: (1024 x 768, 32 bits, 75 hz)
GM 66: (1024 x 768, 16 bits, 85 hz)
GM 67: (1024 x 768, 32 bits, 85 hz)
GM 68: (1152 x 864, 16 bits, 60 hz)
GM 69: (1152 x 864, 32 bits, 60 hz)
GM 70: (1152 x 864, 16 bits, 70 hz)
GM 71: (1152 x 864, 32 bits, 70 hz)
GM 72: (1152 x 864, 16 bits, 75 hz)
GM 73: (1152 x 864, 32 bits, 75 hz)
GM 74: (1280 x 720, 16 bits, 60 hz)
GM 75: (1280 x 720, 32 bits, 60 hz)
GM 76: (1280 x 720, 16 bits, 75 hz)
GM 77: (1280 x 720, 32 bits, 75 hz)
GM 78: (1280 x 768, 16 bits, 60 hz)
GM 79: (1280 x 768, 32 bits, 60 hz)
GM 80: (1280 x 768, 16 bits, 75 hz)
GM 81: (1280 x 768, 32 bits, 75 hz)
GM 82: (1280 x 960, 16 bits, 60 hz)
GM 83: (1280 x 960, 32 bits, 60 hz)
GM 84: (1280 x 960, 16 bits, 70 hz)
GM 85: (1280 x 960, 32 bits, 70 hz)
GM 86: (1280 x 960, 16 bits, 72 hz)
GM 87: (1280 x 960, 32 bits, 72 hz)
GM 88: (1280 x 1024, 16 bits, 60 hz)
GM 89: (1280 x 1024, 32 bits, 60 hz)
=========> D3D info <==========
Mode set to 1016x704x32 (0hz) (ZBuf: 0; Stencil: 0; Sample: 0; Windowed)
Mem available for Textures: 362 MB
HW Rasterization: Yes; HW TnL: Yes
Supported patches: NPatches : Yes; Bezier : No; RT : No
HW Clipping of TL Vertex : No
ColorWriteEnable : Yes
Can render patches efficiently without caching : No
Z compare func:
Never: On
Less: On
Equal: On
LessEqual: On
Greater: On
NotEqual: On
GreaterEqual: On
Always: On
Anti-aliasing => Edge: No
Z Bias: Yes
Fog Range: Yes
Fog PixelTable: Yes
Fog Vertex: Yes
W-Fog: Yes
W-Buffer: No
HSR without ZBuffer: No
Poly Z Test: Yes
MipMap Bias: Yes
Max PointSize: 256
Max Anisotropy: 16
Max MaxActiveLights: 8
Alpha => Gouraud: Yes; Texture: Yes; Palette: No
SrcBlend: BothInvSrcAlpha BothSrcAlpha DestAlpha DestColor InvDestAlpha InvDestColor InvSrcAlpha InvSrcColor One SrcAlpha SrcAlphaSat SrcColor Zero
DstBlend: BothInvSrcAlpha BothSrcAlpha DestAlpha DestColor InvDestAlpha InvDestColor InvSrcAlpha InvSrcColor One SrcAlpha SrcColor Zero
ColorOp: Add AddSigned AddSigned2X AddSmooth BlendCurrentAlpha BlendDiffuseAlpha BlendFactorAlpha BlendTextureAlpha BlendTextureAlphaPM BumpEnvMap BumpEnvMapLuminance Disable DotProduct3 Lerp Modulate Modulate2X Modulate4X ModulateAlpha_AddColor ModulateColor_AddAlpha ModulateInvalpha_AddColor ModulateInvColor_AddAlpha MultiplyAdd PreModulate SelectArg1 SelectArg2 Subtract
TexAddress: Clamp IndependentUV Mirror MirrorOnce Wrap
Texture must be Power of 2: Yes
Texture must be square: No
Volumetric texture: Yes
Texture size: Min(1, 1); Max(2048, 2048)
Texture projection: PerPixel
Max Blend Stages: 8; Max Simultaneous Textures: 8; Max Tex Coord : 8
Max Texture Repeat: 2048
Max Texture Aspect Ratio: 2048
GuardBand from (-960, -960) to (2880, 2880)
Need to strip FVF : Yes
VertexShader Version : 1.1
PixelShader Version : 1.4
MaxNumber of streams : 16
=========> end of D3D info <==========
Texture: A8R8G8B8 32 bits ALPHA RGB
Texture: X8R8G8B8 32 bits RGB
Texture: R5G6B5 16 bits RGB
Texture: X1R5G5B5 16 bits RGB
Texture: A1R5G5B5 16 bits ALPHA RGB
Texture: A4R4G4B4 16 bits ALPHA RGB
Texture: A8 08 bits ALPHA
Texture: L8 08 bits
Texture: A8L8 16 bits ALPHA
Texture: V8U8 16 bits Bump
Texture: L6V5U5 16 bits Bump
Texture: X8L8V8U8 32 bits Bump
Texture: Q8W8V8U8 32 bits Bump
Texture: V16U16 32 bits Bump
Texture: W11V11U10 32 bits Bump
Texture: UYVY -8 bits
Texture: YUY2 -8 bits
Texture: DXT1 -8 bits Compressed
Texture: DXT2 -8 bits Compressed
Texture: DXT3 -8 bits Compressed
Texture: DXT4 -8 bits Compressed
Texture: DXT5 -8 bits Compressed
==> Pal8 Tex: (null) 00 bits
==> RgbX Tex: X8R8G8B8 32 bits RGB
==> RgbA Tex: A8R8G8B8 32 bits ALPHA RGB
Linear Fog On
=====> Shaders init <=====
Validate 0: 1
Validate 1: 1
Validate 2: 1
Validate 3: 1
Validate 4: 1
Validate 6: 1
Load shader file 'SpecialFx\WaterMirror.Shader'
Load shader file 'Scripts\Global.Shader'
Load shader file 'Scripts\Fx.Shader'
Load shader file 'Scripts\HUD.Shader'
Load shader file 'Scripts\Menu.Shader'
68 Shaders loaded: 94 stages, 86 TcMod, 33 DeformVertex and 0 AnimMaps
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Circle.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Radius: 1.41421
Meshes => NbVertex: 4; NbIndex: 780 (Old NbP:4; loss: 0%)
Bitmap(512*512*0)->Tex: Menu\Font\HugeChars.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Back to rendering
Bitmap(256*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\TennisElbow.Tga (Format: RgbA)
=====> Sound init <=====
SoundCaps: Freq min = 100; Freq max = 192000; PrimaryChannel = 2; Prim8b = 1; Prim16b = 1; 2nd8b = 1; 2nd16 = 1
Sound Card => Primary Stereo : yes; Buffer Stereo : yes
===> TE2005 Init <=== (version: 1.0a; date: Sep 14 2005; time: 00:42:50)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Data\Textures\NotFound.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(2*8*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Line.Tga (Format: Rgb)
238 countries found
Loaded 'Data\Players.Ini' with 300 players
Loaded 'Data\TourCategory.Ini' with 19 categories
Loaded 'Data\Tour.Ini' with 125 tournaments
Found 4 Team cup rounds (Max = 5) (sizeof WT = 8334 KB)
=====> Menu init <=====
sizeof => item: 216; menu: 252; action: 12
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\CursorBall.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\CursorMask.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Arrow.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Meshes\Textures\Grille02.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Bg\Main.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Bar01.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\RoundBg01.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\CircleRainbow.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Bg\Tournament.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(16*16*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\RoundBg03.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Soul_Human.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\TrainingClub.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\WorldTour.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Credits.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(256*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\TennisElbow.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Bg\Club01.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Play.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\CharacterSheet.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\PlayOptions.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Back.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\ArrowU.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\ArrowD.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(512*512*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Bg\Victory.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Done.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Bg\Abstract01.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Board_LastYear.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Count.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(512*512*0)->Tex: Menu\Font\HugeCharsAdd_r90.jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(256*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\2005_deg25.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Side_Profile.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Side_Controls.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Side_Audio.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Side_Video.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Side_MiscOption.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Quit.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Arrow.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(2*16*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\RectBg03.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\WarmUp.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Match.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerStat.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Load.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(16*2*0)->Tex: Data\Flags\Wave.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Soul_CPU.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Save.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Style_Defenser.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Style_Puncher.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Style_Varied.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Style_Volleyer.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Bar03.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*16*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\SkillBar.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Hair.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Shirt.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Cuff.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Char_Hand.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Shorts.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Color_Skin.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\NewGame.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerBnk.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Double.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Single.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\VolumeBar.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Court01.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Court02.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Court03.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Court04.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Court05.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\NbSet01.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\NbSet02.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\NbSet03.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerCfg01.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerCfg04.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Bg\WorldTour.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Entry.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Race.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Board_DrawFinal.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Board_DrawQualif.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Court06.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(1*1*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Court07.Tga (Format: L8)
Bitmap(1*1*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Court08.Tga (Format: L8)
Bitmap(1*1*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Court09.Tga (Format: L8)
Bitmap(1*1*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Court10.Tga (Format: L8)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerCfg02.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\PlayerCfg03.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\SwapEndsOff.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\SwapEndsOn.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\NextMatch.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\TourInfo.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(4*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\ReplayBarCenter.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\ReplayBarEdge.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(64*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\NavButton.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(16*16*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Nav_Beg.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*16*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Nav_2x.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*16*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Nav_d4.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(16*16*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Nav_Pause.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(16*16*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Nav_1x.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\ReplayBarInfo.Tga (Format: RgbA)
102 Menus loaded in 705 ms; 1126 Items; 1092 Actions; 12 VarRT; 3299 Cfg; 6967 Param
==> Memory needed for menu structures : 330 KB
===> Total Init Time = 5.08 s
NbVertexShader created onfly : 7
DDD - Name: RADEON 9550; Device: ati2dvag.dll
Display Device: RADEON 9550
=========> D3D info <==========
Mode set to 1016x704x32 (0hz) (ZBuf: 0; Stencil: 0; Sample: 0; Windowed)
Mem available for Textures: 360 MB
=========> end of D3D info <==========
Texture: A8R8G8B8 32 bits ALPHA RGB
Texture: X8R8G8B8 32 bits RGB
Texture: R5G6B5 16 bits RGB
Texture: X1R5G5B5 16 bits RGB
Texture: A1R5G5B5 16 bits ALPHA RGB
Texture: A4R4G4B4 16 bits ALPHA RGB
Texture: A8 08 bits ALPHA
Texture: L8 08 bits
Texture: A8L8 16 bits ALPHA
Texture: V8U8 16 bits Bump
Texture: L6V5U5 16 bits Bump
Texture: X8L8V8U8 32 bits Bump
Texture: Q8W8V8U8 32 bits Bump
Texture: V16U16 32 bits Bump
Texture: W11V11U10 32 bits Bump
Texture: UYVY -8 bits
Texture: YUY2 -8 bits
Texture: DXT1 -8 bits Compressed
Texture: DXT2 -8 bits Compressed
Texture: DXT3 -8 bits Compressed
Texture: DXT4 -8 bits Compressed
Texture: DXT5 -8 bits Compressed
==> Pal8 Tex: (null) 00 bits
==> RgbX Tex: X8R8G8B8 32 bits RGB
==> RgbA Tex: A8R8G8B8 32 bits ALPHA RGB
Validate 0: 1
Validate 1: 1
Validate 2: 1
Validate 3: 1
Validate 4: 1
Validate 6: 1
Meshes => NbVertex: 4; NbIndex: 780 (Old NbP:4; loss: 0%)
Linear Fog On
Bitmap(512*512*0)->Tex: Menu\Font\HugeChars.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(512*512*0)->Tex: Menu\Font\HugeCharsAdd_r90.jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Meshes\Textures\Grille02.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\CursorBall.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\CursorMask.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Arrow.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Circle.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\CircleRainbow.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(256*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\TennisElbow.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\RoundBg01.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(16*16*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\RoundBg03.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(2*16*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\RectBg03.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Bar01.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Bar03.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(256*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\2005_deg25.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(2*8*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Line.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(4*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\ReplayBarCenter.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\ReplayBarInfo.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(16*2*0)->Tex: Data\Flags\Wave.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Bg\Main.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Bg\Tournament.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Soul_Human.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\TrainingClub.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\WorldTour.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Credits.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Bg\Club01.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Play.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\CharacterSheet.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\PlayOptions.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Back.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\ArrowU.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\ArrowD.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(512*512*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Bg\Victory.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Done.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(512*256*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Bg\Abstract01.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Board_LastYear.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(32*32*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Board_Count.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Side_Profile.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Side_Controls.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Side_Audio.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Side_Video.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Side_MiscOption.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Quit.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(64*64*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Arrow.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\WarmUp.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Match.Tga (Format: RgbA)
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Bitmap(1*1*0)->Tex: Menu\Art\Ico\Court09.Tga (Format: L8)
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NumTex: 100; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 256; Dy; 256; Name: Data\Menu\CharSheet
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NumTex: 100; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 256; Dy; 256; Name: Data\Menu\CharSheet
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NumTex: 100; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 256; Dy; 256; Name: Data\Menu\CharSheet
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NumTex: 100; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 256; Dy; 256; Name: Data\Menu\CharSheet
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NumTex: 100; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 256; Dy; 256; Name: Data\Menu\CharSheet
Bitmap(256*256*256)->Tex: Data\Menu\CharSheet.Bmp (Format: RgbA)
NumTex: 100; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 256; Dy; 256; Name: Data\Menu\CharSheet
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NumTex: 100; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 256; Dy; 256; Name: Data\Menu\CharSheet
Bitmap(256*256*256)->Tex: Data\Menu\CharSheet.Bmp (Format: RgbA)
NumTex: 100; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 256; Dy; 256; Name: Data\Menu\CharSheet
Bitmap(256*256*256)->Tex: Data\Menu\CharSheet.Bmp (Format: RgbA)
NumTex: 100; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 256; Dy; 256; Name: Data\Menu\CharSheet
Bitmap(256*256*256)->Tex: Data\Menu\CharSheet.Bmp (Format: RgbA)
NumTex: 100; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 256; Dy; 256; Name: Data\Menu\CharSheet
Bitmap(256*256*256)->Tex: Data\Menu\CharSheet.Bmp (Format: RgbA)
NumTex: 100; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 256; Dy; 256; Name: Data\Menu\CharSheet
Bitmap(256*256*256)->Tex: Data\Menu\CharSheet.Bmp (Format: RgbA)
NumTex: 100; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 256; Dy; 256; Name: Data\Menu\CharSheet
Bitmap(128*64*0)->Tex: Data\Flags\AN.Tga (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(1024*512*0)->Tex: Data\Court04\Court.Jpg (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(4*1*0)->Tex: Data\Textures\CourtLine.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Radius: 759.213
Meshes => NbVertex: 48; NbIndex: 846 (Old NbP:48; loss: 0%)
Bitmap(512*64*0)->Tex: Data\MiscSprite\Misc_00.Tga (Format: RgbA)
Bitmap(128*128*256)->Tex: Data\Court04\Umpire_01.Bmp (Format: RgbA)
NumTex: 105; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 128; Dy; 128; Name: Data\Court04\Umpire_01
Bitmap(128*128*256)->Tex: Data\Court04\Umpire_00.Bmp (Format: RgbA)
NumTex: 106; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 128; Dy; 128; Name: Data\Court04\Umpire_00
Bitmap(256*128*0)->Tex: Data\Court04\Crowd_00.Bmp (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(256*128*0)->Tex: Data\Court04\Crowd_01.Bmp (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(256*128*0)->Tex: Data\Court04\Crowd_02.Bmp (Format: Rgb)
Bitmap(512*512*256)->Tex: Data\Char02\Down_02.Bmp (Format: RgbA)
NumTex: 110; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 512; Dy; 512; Name: Data\Char02\Down_02
Bitmap(512*512*256)->Tex: Data\Char02\Down_01.Bmp (Format: RgbA)
NumTex: 111; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 512; Dy; 512; Name: Data\Char02\Down_01
Bitmap(512*512*256)->Tex: Data\Char02\Down_03.Bmp (Format: RgbA)
NumTex: 112; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 512; Dy; 512; Name: Data\Char02\Down_03
Bitmap(512*512*256)->Tex: Data\Char02\Down_00.Bmp (Format: RgbA)
NumTex: 113; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 512; Dy; 512; Name: Data\Char02\Down_00
Bitmap(512*256*256)->Tex: Data\Char01\Up_02.Bmp (Format: RgbA)
NumTex: 114; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 512; Dy; 256; Name: Data\Char01\Up_02
Bitmap(512*256*256)->Tex: Data\Char01\Up_01.Bmp (Format: RgbA)
NumTex: 115; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 512; Dy; 256; Name: Data\Char01\Up_01
Bitmap(512*256*256)->Tex: Data\Char01\Up_00.Bmp (Format: RgbA)
NumTex: 116; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 512; Dy; 256; Name: Data\Char01\Up_00
Bitmap(256*256*256)->Tex: Data\Char01\Up_03.Bmp (Format: RgbA)
NumTex: 117; NumPal: 65535; Dx: 256; Dy; 256; Name: Data\Char01\Up_03
Mem available for Textures: 353 MB