Issues with serve, maybe bugs.

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Issues with serve, maybe bugs.

Postby simpatiq » 30 Sep 2013, 16:44

30% of the time, when I hit a second serve, the player hits it with full power and it results in a double fault
The other question is how do you get a very very heavy topspin serve, I played against someone who had 25% skill(!!!!!!!) service and I simply could barely return his 110 km/h serves simply because they had too much topspin, spiraling 2 times into the air. Any other return except the safest and weakest return and the ball would go into the stands. How can you hit a serve like that and how can you hit a good return on a serve like this?
I"m sure he didn't have 100% topspin or things like that because he was also hitting flat groundstrokes...

Re: A couple of questions, maybe bugs.

Postby manutoo » 01 Oct 2013, 08:44


1- maybe it's an issue with your controller

2- play with the Danger Zone on, you'll see where you have to stand to return these serves, they are not that hard ; I guess if it's only 110km/h it means it's a twist serve which means the difficult part is the left/right positioning, while standing a bit far from the baseline
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Re: A couple of questions, maybe bugs.

Postby simpatic » 02 Oct 2013, 11:48

OK, I understand, but Danger Zone is considered a function for newbies, I am looking to play against high skill players, around 1800-2000 ELO.
And about the double twist serve.. I don't know if it's balanced, I don't think it's realistic. Maybe it should involve a higher risk, like have a 35% chance of missing that serve. Anyway, thanks for your answer.
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Re: A couple of questions, maybe bugs.

Postby Raz » 02 Oct 2013, 13:55

@simpatic - 1800-2000 ELo players arent high skilled, they're just not as bad as the newbies. Try playing players like me who are 2700 elo and above ;)
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Re: A couple of questions, maybe bugs.

Postby Raz » 02 Oct 2013, 14:03

acually 3100 elo players arent that good either...
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Re: Issues with serve, maybe bugs.

Postby simpatiq » 11 Oct 2013, 13:48

Actually I know what was happening.
When I was trying to hit a second serve and only held the safe shot button pressed for a little bit, then the serve will be messed up. Now, when I am holding it pressed from the start and also giving it plenty of top spin, the problem is gone.

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