Game in Slow Motion

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Game in Slow Motion

Postby guigs2910 » 24 Sep 2013, 01:58

Hey guys,

Recently I've been dealing with problems while playing Tennis Elbow 2013. It started first when I still had the 1.0a version. Figuring out I had to update my game's version, I did just that, and now I play the 1.0b version.

The problem is that whenever I start the game, it doesn't start in the normal speed it used to be. It "works", but everything is in a slow motion, which obviously doesn't allow me play the matches properly,and the whole fun of the game is off. It got me thinking what problem it can be, since every other game is running just fine, I'm watching videos normally, and some rare times, the game just starts as it usually did, on its normal speed, and suddenly, after a point, it slows down again.

Please, help me guys!
tennis curious
Messages: 1
Gaming Since: 24 Sep 2013, 01:55

Re: Game in Slow Motion

Postby manutoo » 24 Sep 2013, 18:37


I just answered your email with this :
Could you try to download and install this patch over your current installation : ... ch_GHM.exe ..?

If it doesn't fix the issue, then try to add this line in this file "C:\Program Files\Tennis Elbow 2013\Tennis.ini" (or the .ini of your Profile if you created one), under [Game] :
TimePolling = 2
It might fix the issue.

Thanks to let me know the outcome, as I'm currently hunting this bug..!
== Mana Games ==

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Re: Game in Slow Motion

Postby Yasin Ozkan » 29 Sep 2013, 14:48

If you are playing on Windows 7, this might be a windows problem.
This happened to me too, all my games were slow motion, even windows itself was..

Here's how to fix it:
Open cmd in administrator (Press start, type cmd in the search, right-click on cmd and click open as administrator), and type bcdedit /set useplatformclock true. Press enter and restart PC.

That will fix the windows 7 slow motion bug.
I hope this was the problem so you can fix it.
Yasin Ozkan
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Re: Game in Slow Motion

Postby manutoo » 30 Sep 2013, 06:14

guigs2910 answered this by email, it may help others :
yesterday I updated my NVidia driver and the "slow motioness" stopped.
== Mana Games ==

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