Global Hotkeys

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Global Hotkeys

Postby Guest » 13 Feb 2008, 23:10

Hi, I am trying to use my software music player Winamp and Tennis Elbow at the same time, since sometimes I like to listen to music when playing. However, the global hotkeys for Winamp don't work when I have Tennis Elbow running. I would like to be able to adjust the volume of just Winamp (not globally) and be able to switch from song to song using predetermined buttons on my computer/keyboard, but this doesn't work when Tennis Elbow is active. Is there any way to make this work?

Postby manutoo » 14 Feb 2008, 07:36


when you play other game requiring the keyboard (example : 3D shooter, strategy, etc...), is it possible to change the volume of Winamp ..?

I had a quick look, and right now, the only blocked keys are the windows keys & cap locks...
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Postby Guest » 14 Feb 2008, 17:19

I don't play many other games, but I have heard other people have this issue with several different games. I have no conflict with Combat Flight Simulator or NES emulator, though.
On my laptop, I also like to use the media buttons on the front to control Winamp also, and these also don't work when Tennis Elbow is running.

Postby manutoo » 16 Feb 2008, 16:45


I just checked, and the init of the keyboard is already done in such a way that other applications should still be able to access to the keyboard, so unfortunately, there's nothing much I can do... :?
== Mana Games ==

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