Funny doubles bug : hit 2 times

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Funny doubles bug : hit 2 times

Postby Tom Paulman » 09 Feb 2008, 00:42


there is a little bug in doubles that occurs only rarely, but it happened to me a couple of times.

It can happen when a player makes an error, but the ball is heading to the side instead of forward. I don't know how to make this error, only computer players can do it. If the other player stands in the way of the ball that is heading to the side, he can hit it and the play continues :D

So basically the ball gets hit two times in a row at the same side of the court.
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Postby manutoo » 09 Feb 2008, 06:51

Hello Tom,

what, don't tell me you don't like volleyball ?! :P

Ok, thanks to your report, I found & corrected the bug, so it won't there anymore the next time I'll update the game...
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