RL and WO stats 2015

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RL and WO stats 2015

Postby Zugzwang » 04 Jan 2016, 22:49

Here are a few statistics about last year's Random Luck and Walkovers:

Total of singles and doubles tournaments (doesn't include challengers): 1621 played matches (2691 total matches) and 1070 RL/WO: 60.2% of played games;
Total of singles tournaments: 1203 played and 695 RL/WO: 63.3%
Total of doubles tournaments: 418 played and 375 RL/WO: 52.7%

Grand slams:
- Singles: 55.4% played
- Doubles: 49.2% played

Master Series:
- Singles: 60.0% played
- Doubles: 47.1% played

First part of the season (until Miami included):
- Singles: 66.0% played
- Doubles: 56.3% played

Second part of the season (until Roland Garros):
- Singles: 60.8% played
- Doubles: 46.8% played

Third part of the season (until US Open):
- Singles: 65.7% played
- Doubles: 54.1% played

Last part of the season (until Paris):
- Singles: 58.1% played
- Doubles: 51.6% played
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 107
Gaming Since: 03 Jul 2012, 21:54
Location: Italy / Switzerland

Re: RL and WO stats 2015

Postby Sorana » 06 Jan 2016, 03:31

Between the few players with real doubles skills on this tour..



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crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 673
Gaming Since: 26 May 2013, 10:56
Location: Romania

Re: RL and WO stats 2015

Postby Milivoj96 » 11 Jan 2016, 20:29

Really embarrassing
but 2016 will be even worse (i believe)
2014 was ok (not that bad)
but 2015 was shame
now in 2016 mods gave extra day and some didn't even played semifinal (deadline was saturday) lol
by the way i uninstalled game so you will not see me anymore (i know some are probably happy) :)
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 65
Gaming Since: 08 Jan 2014, 20:15
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