Which mode settings you like for the tour in 2014?

Archived Results from the Tour 2013

Which mode settings you like for the tour in 2014?

Fair+Tiredness on+simulation
Fair+Tiredness on+elite
Fair+Tiredness off+simulation
Fair+Tiredness off+elite
No votes
Realistic+Tiredness on+simulation
No votes
Realistic+Tiredness on+elite
No votes
Realistic+Tiredness off+simulation
No votes
Realistic+Tiredness off+elite
No votes
Seperate tours
No votes
I will play both
No votes
Total votes : 3

Which mode settings you like for the tour in 2014?

Postby n 201 » 20 Dec 2013, 12:51

Alright, the old poll was in 2012 ,so i am creating this topic again. Just answer the question. Mods think many players like realistic mode which i think is wrong. Most people i know love Fair mode than anything else. Even the old poll proved it. So i want to really know whether if people changed their minds about tour settings. Thank you :jap:
P.S.Many people love Preview=All+Danger zone and even mods know that, so i didn't include options regarding preview.
n 201
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Re: Which mode settings you like for the tour in 2014?

Postby GoAga » 20 Dec 2013, 12:54

I really like play on Fair+Tiredness on+simulation and all danger zone
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Re: Which mode settings you like for the tour in 2014?

Postby n 201 » 20 Dec 2013, 13:01

GoAga wrote:I really like play on Fair+Tiredness on+simulation and all danger zone

me too! Tiredness off brings more stamina to the game. I see "Tiredness on" sometimes decreases stamina just in first 3 games after playing big rallies LOL. Many players don't like to see their stamina go down so quickly ':D
n 201
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Which mode settings you like for the tour in 2014?

Postby manutoo » 20 Dec 2013, 13:55

I'm locking this topic, as only this poll matters => topic13-15293.php (and I just created it ... :whistle:).
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Re: Which mode settings you like for the tour in 2014?

Postby Algo » 21 Dec 2013, 00:13

To add to manutoo's point: this kind of threads may only be created by tour mods or him.

Thought it's common sense :whistle:
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