Dear Seb,I try to explain my opinion by the view of a good online player and a modder as well.
seb wrote:- too much accuracy required for the placement, regarding the accuracy move from a key pressed : it's just impossible to be really well positionned each time => not a bug but too much accuracy required, far away from the reality. Me, i can play a ball in my foot and send it not out the limit, like a safe shot. In TE, you can't (or @ 5%).
If you decrease power on fore- and backhand to fix this. You have just to choose the right shot ... a close ball like half-volleys or short angles, you can't return with an 100% power shot. Otherwise this game will be an arcade game.
seb wrote:- volley too difficult => i still confirm like all players who try to play at net
I don't play that much at net but there are players like Markizo, Nadalesque or Kuga as well, who plays nearly perfect at net. If something hard to learn it isn't too difficult ... maybe you don't do enough.
seb wrote:- bug on balls near baseline : unjustified errors, even with a slice => explained above
This defense shots are normal, in TE and in reality.
seb wrote:- too much power for players 5/8m behind their baseline. They can catch almost all balls, run in circle... => already explained in others subjects. Why you can send a shot on the opponent baseline when you are 5/7m behind yours ? You should have more power...
That's why you have to varied you game play ... short/long or fast/slow. Nobody can return a good dropshot when he is far from baseline.
seb wrote:- lob totally inefficient execpt may be if you put 100% on lob stat but who did that ?? (with 780 pts) => i can show you several tens of dmo : totally inefficient !! Try to make a poll in TE about th lob...
Lobs are efficient ... but it isn't a one-hit-wonder.
To combine lobs and short angles is the key.
seb wrote:- too much balls on the lines (offline & online games) => easy to check and compare to reality ! Not really a bug, true, but too far from reality for a real simu
That is normal for a sport game that when you become good you play on the edge of possibilty. If developer avoid this, there would be to much faults.
seb wrote:- no possibility to make a small lob at the net : 9/10 out => 80% if you want but to fail not to succeed
It is possible ... but you have to prepare this more than flat shots. I use lobs at net often with success.
Kind regards,