Be Careful of someone trying to steal your key !

Discussions sur la 3e édition du jeu de tennis "Tennis Elbow"

Re: Be Careful of someone trying to steal your key !

Postby MarcaTennis » 11 Aug 2012, 17:53

Lol Si c'était moi, je ne contacterai pas adner et je dis que j'ai reçu un fake e-mail (un spam)
Je vis en Algérie, et ce n'est pas mon IP, j'ai des preuves :
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Re: Be Careful of someone trying to steal your key !

Postby MarcaTennis » 16 Aug 2012, 16:55

I would like to report "Achraf Federer" trying to steal my key.
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Re: Be Careful of someone trying to steal your key !

Postby MarcaTennis » 16 Aug 2012, 16:56

By skype
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Re: Be Careful of someone trying to steal your key !

Postby MarcaTennis » 16 Aug 2012, 17:07

Oh il m'as insulté 3 ou 4 fois par skype :fear: Il dois étre banni a vie :

[17:01:22] Achraf Federer: koi ?
[17:01:49] Achraf Federer: fuc* you man fu******* your mother salava bit**
[17:02:09] amazigh.o: Hahahaha
[17:02:15] amazigh.o: Tu seras banni a vie
[17:02:22] Achraf Federer: nikomok farkh
[17:02:38] Achraf Federer: saha lwa3ar
[17:02:57] amazigh.o: Rana framadhan
[17:03:05] Achraf Federer: (devil)
[17:03:25] Achraf Federer: nta mchi algerian saha
[17:03:44] Achraf Federer: t9oul l weld bladek haka mrççççç
[17:04:21] Achraf Federer: kidayer rabak !!!!

J'ai modifié le message avec des "***"
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Re: Be Careful of someone trying to steal your key !

Postby Oussama Hassad » 16 Aug 2012, 17:53

Amaz Ouz wrote:Oh il m'as insulté 3 ou 4 fois par skype :fear: Il dois étre banni a vie :

you should write this here topic8-5037.php
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Re: Be Careful of someone trying to steal your key !

Postby MarcaTennis » 16 Aug 2012, 18:17

No, because he trys to steal my key in skype, when i sayed i will report, he insulted me, not in online games
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Re: Be Careful of someone trying to steal your key !

Postby MarcaTennis » 18 Aug 2012, 19:48

on skype :
[19:09:11] Achraf Federer: cc
[19:29:16] amazigh.o: salut
[19:29:24] amazigh.o: quesque tu veux
[19:29:31] Achraf Federer: oui slùt
[19:30:32] amazigh.o: what do you want ?
[19:31:26] Achraf Federer: i want to know where you have buy tennis elbow 2011 1.0e ??
[19:31:40] amazigh.o: bY Internet
[19:31:44] amazigh.o: Credit Card
[19:32:00] Achraf Federer: i don't have a credit card
[19:32:20] amazigh.o: What you need i do, nothing
[19:32:25] amazigh.o: Sorry
[19:32:46] Achraf Federer: you have a credit card ?
[19:32:50] amazigh.o: No
[19:33:12] amazigh.o: It's not me who bought the game
[19:33:21] amazigh.o: A cousin from france
[19:33:28] amazigh.o: What do you need from me ?
[19:33:50] Achraf Federer: WHAT I CAN DO TO HAVE THE KEY
[19:33:59] amazigh.o: Buy the game
[19:34:16] Achraf Federer: hoooooooow gode dame
[19:34:56] amazigh.o: It's not my problem
[19:35:17] Achraf Federer: ok thanks anyway you are sooo lucky
[19:35:23] amazigh.o: Ok
[19:35:36] Achraf Federer: w nta akbààr rkhis 3raftah fe hyatiiiii pffff
[19:35:57] amazigh.o: You need the key ? i give you ?
[19:36:16] Achraf Federer: yes
[19:36:34] amazigh.o: hahahahahaha You kinda failed, :D
[19:36:56] Achraf Federer: fuck assssssssssssssssssssss nta ga3 mchi algerian yal kadab
[19:37:03] amazigh.o: lol
[19:38:02] Achraf Federer: WIN TASKAN fe alger N
[19:38:12] amazigh.o: non
[19:38:28] Achraf Federer: hhhhhhhhhhhhh
[19:38:41] Achraf Federer: ana 9otlek ghir key hada makan
[19:38:53] Achraf Federer: ma9otlekch draham wala mais ma3lich mrçç
[19:39:01] amazigh.o: ok
[19:39:04] amazigh.o: good bye
[19:39:12] amazigh.o: saha ftorek
[19:39:20] Achraf Federer: pffffffffff
[19:39:32] Achraf Federer: rana fe ramdan
[19:39:41] Achraf Federer: w madartch khir ga3 fia
[19:39:52] amazigh.o: hada char
[19:44:46] Achraf Federer: oui
[19:45:09] Achraf Federer: mat9adch ta3dihli svpppppppppppppppppppppppp
[19:45:22] Achraf Federer: makanch li yfi9 bik

Et j'ai arrété la conversation :

Synonyms :
nta akbààr rkhis 3raftah fe hyatiiiii pffff : T'es le grand traitre que j'ai vu dans ma vis
nta ga3 mchi algerian yal kadab : Tu n'es pas un algérien toi, sal menteur
WIN TASKAN fe alger N : T'habite a alger ?
ana 9otlek ghir key hada makan : Je t'ai dit juste un key, c'est tout
ma9otlekch draham wala mais ma3lich mrçç : J'ai pas dit de l'argent ou quoi d'autres, de toute façon merci
saha ftorek : Bon Appetit (on est ramadhan)
rana fe ramdan : on est ramadhan
w madartch khir ga3 fia : et tu fais pas du bien pour moi
Hada char : c'est du mal
mat9adch ta3dihli svpppppppppppppppppppppppp : Tu peux pas me donner SVP
makanch li yfi9 bik : Il n'y a pas qui vas savoir

Ok, c'est tout :D
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Re: Be Careful of someone trying to steal your key !

Postby MarcaTennis » 21 Aug 2012, 13:48

Je n'ai marre de Achraf, voila ce qui m'a envoyé sur PM :
achraf federer wrote:can you make djokovic backhand with a .x file ??
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Re: Be Careful of someone trying to steal your key !

Postby Dilima » 21 Aug 2012, 17:41

Amaz Ouz wrote:Je n'ai marre de Achraf, voila ce qui m'a envoyé sur PM :

Porquoi est ce que tu ne l'adicionne pas comme foe?
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Re: Be Careful of someone trying to steal your key !

Postby MarcaTennis » 21 Aug 2012, 17:59

Merci, j'ai fait, je savais pas
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Re: Be Careful of someone trying to steal your key !

Postby achraf federer » 21 Aug 2012, 19:47

fuck you amaz ouz you are just a bad kid !!!!!!!!!
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Re: Be Careful of someone trying to steal your key !

Postby MarcaTennis » 21 Aug 2012, 19:48

hahahaha, il existe manutoo,
I'm an Anti-Spam in this forum :yes:
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Re: Be Careful of someone trying to steal your key !

Postby MarcaTennis » 21 Aug 2012, 20:15

Dilima wrote:Porquoi est ce que tu ne l'adicionne pas comme foe?

ça n'as aucun effet, je croyais que sa l'empecherai de m'envoyer des PM, de toute façons il est toujours foe
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Re: Be Careful of someone trying to steal your key !

Postby manutoo » 22 Aug 2012, 05:24

achraf federer is banned 1 week for his different late activities including asking for Amaz's Key & insulting him... :fear:

PS: after checking, setting someone to your foe list makes his posts hidden from you
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Re: Be Careful of someone trying to steal your key !

Postby MarcaTennis » 22 Aug 2012, 14:29

Manu, je comprend pas, certaines fois ça change d'IP
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