Beta 2 : looking for Beta Testers

Discussions about the Dungeon Crawler : The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians

Beta 2 : looking for Beta Testers

Postby manutoo » 08 Dec 2014, 14:35

The following is an excerpt of a blog article.  Read Full Article

1st room of Level 5

So finally, the Beta 2 is here !

It contains 8 levels (the 1st Beta had 4, the Alpha 1 & 2 an incomplete one), and 4 Specializations\’ Talent Trees done at a bit more than 50%, and it requires about 7~10 hours to complete.

All in all, now it gives a pretty accurate idea of the final gameplay (if you can put aside the unpolished GUI, the sparse sounds & Visual FX and all other little stuff that will make their way into the final version).

So the result is pretty good, it\’s nice to play it, but ...
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