I receive WO with no reason ...

Archived Results from the Tour 2012

I receive WO with no reason ...

Postby only slice and volley » 02 Nov 2012, 00:40

i can't understand i wait for my first opposent during 2 3 days and after 2 3 days i receive wo for get vs phabio , but very bad we schedule to play but admin put wo on me dont know why :(
was here viewtopic.php?f=37&t=9867&p=117680#p117680
only slice and volley
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Re: I receive WO with no reason ...

Postby manutoo » 02 Nov 2012, 04:46

=> OT_LastResults.php

Your opponent didn't get a WO, but won by RL. So it means your match hit the deadline. If you played your match after that, contact a Tour Mod ASAP to give him the result of your match.
== Mana Games ==

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