Retiring for Modding for some weeks

Everything about Modding TE2013, from new courts to the modifications of the player & tournament bases (and including all the bugs they may be creating ! ;) )
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Retiring for Modding for some weeks

Postby MarcaTennis » 03 Aug 2012, 02:45

Hi, i would like to retire from modding, because i view that my courts, grunts and my patch are very ugly and my work is bad and others don't help me. :cry:
I will learn these weeks lessons for Photoshop and Programmation of CustomHud...ect
And because i have demo version and this don't help me because i have 12 years old, there is not credit cards in Algeria (you should buy 5000 euros for create it or create western union account) and some persons want help me but i couldn't complete their objectives (i mean i can't do what he tell me to do for have full version)
I will be better thann i was when i return ! :D
Good Bye !
I will view your mods and play in tour and i do some travels in same time, i will never quit the forum. :yes:
Ok, so see you in version 2 in my mod and my courts and other misterious things i didn't post them :roll:
Grunt making tutorial =>
"The New ATP Mod By Our Team V1" a very great patch is coming =>
TE Tour Sngle Rank : 77
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crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 1359
Gaming Since: 20 May 2012, 10:42
Location: Boumerdès, Algeria

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