Court "Physics" parameters: need some explanations

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Court "Physics" parameters: need some explanations

Postby Lucian86 » 10 Mar 2012, 16:53

First of all, I tried to find some information about it but didn't found anything clear

I want a good explanation about the "physics parameters" that you find in court.ini files:

[Physics] // Clay
Friction = 0.56 //0.547
Elasticity = 0.86 //0.672
DeltaE = 0.01
MaxSkidAngleRatio= 0.15
SkidAngleRatioBase= 0.25
SkidSound = 0
Sound = 1
SurfaceSpeed = -1.0
HiDeceleration = 0.55

What are the benchmarks, eventually if there are some upper or lower bounds ?
How many sound categories are there and numbers represents what kind of surface ? 1 = clay , 2= ....

Thank you
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Re: Court "Physics" parameters: need some explanations

Postby lreese » 11 Mar 2012, 00:52

I wrote this a while back:

Friction is the amount of speed the ball retains after bounce. Ie, 0.58 mean the ball speed is 58% after bounce compared to before bounce.

Elasticity has to with angle of the bounce. Higher value = higher bounce

Skid I am not sure of. I think it is when the ball slides over court surface rather than spins off it. It only happens on grass and on low balls.

Surfacespeed seems to communicate to CPU what kind of surface they're playing on. I think it also gives bonuses to certain playing styles, ie volley is premiered with higher values etc. Example, changing clay to -0.5 instead of -1.0 will make volleyers serve and volley on clay. The value doesnt actually change any physics.
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Court "Physics" parameters: need some explanations

Postby manutoo » 11 Mar 2012, 05:26

there are 5 sound types (clay 1, grass 2, synthetic 3, hard 4, indoor 5).
HiDeceleration is for the player inertia ; lower value => more inertia
DeltaE = change of elasticity for topspin ball
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Re: Court "Physics" parameters: need some explanations

Postby Lucian86 » 12 Mar 2012, 20:44

Thanks guys ;) appreciate it
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