Sam's Megapatch 2012 Edition FINAL VERSION

Everything about Modding TE2013, from new courts to the modifications of the player & tournament bases (and including all the bugs they may be creating ! ;) )
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Re: Sam's ATP Megapatch 2012 Edition RELEASED

Postby SamModder » 28 Aug 2012, 20:38

I always include and assign to players all the new anims after each update.

I assigned only a very small amount of courts to challengers series. But to play on original managames courts if you prefer just delete all courts from court01 to customcourt04.
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crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Sam's ATP Megapatch 2012 Edition RELEASED

Postby ComeonANDY!! » 28 Aug 2012, 21:49

No probs sam,i will do that if needs be, had a little mess about and changed that court myself :wink:

Sorry if i came over a little bit OTT, i just couldn't face starting my career yet again :roll:
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Re: Sam's ATP Megapatch 2012 Edition RELEASED

Postby SamModder » 28 Aug 2012, 22:49

BTW guys, I will really try to squeeze everything for my patch to release a small update as soon as I can in the next days (hopefully if federicoarg's Olympic sb comes ) but I will have a lot less time in the next weeks maybe more (so don't be surprised if I don't appear as much) as I will be moving at the other side of the world for my studies ':D
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crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Sam's ATP Megapatch 2012 Edition RELEASED

Postby fabos » 29 Aug 2012, 00:31

thak the time you need sam
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crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Sam's ATP Megapatch 2012 Edition RELEASED

Postby nachocruzado » 29 Aug 2012, 00:34

Sam ! I have been playing the 1d version with your patch and no prob, yesterday I installed de 1e version and in the WT all is perfect BUT in TM theres no Scoreboard ! I don t know why is this happening, I wish you can help me please. Good luck with your studies =)
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Sam's ATP Megapatch 2012 Edition RELEASED

Postby tsmoha » 29 Aug 2012, 22:38

First of, great work with this patch! I'm currently thinking of giving this a go.

Sorry, if this question has been asked (and answered) before, but: does your patch contain a "court selector" for Grand Slams? I've seen there's a selector in Dilima's Patch and I don't want to play on the same Grand Slam-courts all the time (or change it manually). Thanks in advance!
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Sam's ATP Megapatch 2012 Edition RELEASED

Postby SamModder » 29 Aug 2012, 23:33


Sorry mate but if you don't have the full paid version of the game I can't help you because I don't know the things it can cause to play with demo :|

Thnx bud. No court selector but what you can do to play with other courts of every tournaments you want (almost all tournaments have multiple courts) by going in the Data folder (before starting your match) and tape on the search bar the name of the tournament you want to change the court: (RG for Roland Garros, Wimbledon for Wimbledon, USO for Us Open, AO for Australian Open) then a text file with that name will appear, right click on that text file and click open containing folder. That will lead you to the court folder. Now imagine you want court number 2 instead of court number 1, go on the court 2 folder, you will see 2 files (one picture and one text file), copy the 2 files, get out of that subfolder and paste and replace it on the main folder of the court and there you go you will have your court if you play your next match. You can do this even being in-game, but it has to be between matches (when you are in the menu)
You say you don't want to change it manually but the court selector takes equally as long I think. You will get used to this it's just a simple copy pasting process
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crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Sam's ATP Megapatch 2012 Edition RELEASED

Postby nachocruzado » 30 Aug 2012, 00:53

SAm Ive solve my problem with kersou´s help =), by the way I have the full paid version ;)
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Sam's ATP Megapatch 2012 Edition RELEASED

Postby danmasino » 31 Aug 2012, 22:42

SamModder wrote:Instructions to install it
(I used the new technique of manutoo for mods)

1. Download the RAR file. Once it has been downloaded, extract it anywhere you want (desktop for example)
2. If you want to keep your current saves in world tour and all, and have an seperate game for my patch, then make a fresh install of TE (full install) in another directory then RENAME the folder "Tennis Elbow" to Sam Megapatch 2012 Edition.
:arrow: You have to install Sam Patch on an unmodded TE ( = clean install) !!
3. Open the file you downloaded, and copy [b]Data (1), DataDavis, Music, Sound into your Sam Megapatch 2012 Edition folder (REPLACE ANYTHING IT ASKS YOU). [/b]
4. Go into the Data of the file you downloaded, copy EVERYTHING and paste it in your Data folder in the Sam Megapatch 2012 Edition folder.
:arrow: Note for Mac OSX Users : be sure to not overwrite your existing Data folder ; you have to manually copy all files within Sam Patch's Data folder to your existing Data folder

Hi Sam, thanks en advance for your work to the community

I ve one problem with the installation. I ve TE2011 v1.0f clean install.

When i open the 1st way to install, i see:
data (1)

You wrote:
"3. Open the file you downloaded, and copy Data (1), DataDavis, Music, Sound into your Sam Megapatch 2012 Edition folder (REPLACE ANYTHING IT ASKS YOU)."

I ve not any sound folder. Why?
I ve to copy datawimb, scripts and tennis too?

I wait for your answer, sorry for my english

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Re: Sam's ATP Megapatch 2012 Edition RELEASED

Postby SamModder » 31 Aug 2012, 22:54

Very happy to hear that :D

Yes man it is normal that no sound folder is there forget about it(it is actually inside the pak03) but you just pointed out one mistake I made in the instructions I have to remove Sound and add tennis.ini ect
and also, yes you have to copy tennis.ini, datawimb and script too :mrgreen: You can check the instructions again I corrected it
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crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: Sam's ATP Megapatch 2012 Edition RELEASED

Postby danmasino » 01 Sep 2012, 02:29

SamModder wrote:nachocruzado,
Very happy to hear that :D

Yes man it is normal that no sound folder is there forget about it(it is actually inside the pak03) but you just pointed out one mistake I made in the instructions I have to remove Sound and add tennis.ini ect
and also, yes you have to copy tennis.ini, datawimb and script too :mrgreen: You can check the instructions again I corrected it

ok :D

another things, if i copy and past alla data my game is in english, but i want it in italian like the original one.

what i ve to do? :roll:


another problem..

when i start career there is this bug (Bug#531 Data invalid - pleaze reinstall the game) ...and all player are white! :shock:

(i cant post screen because it is considered spam -.- how can i do?)
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Re: Sam's ATP Megapatch 2012 Edition RELEASED

Postby Victor » 02 Sep 2012, 19:30

Sam, when are you going to release the next update? i am eager waiting for it.

Thank you for the effort :)!
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Re: Sam's ATP Megapatch 2012 Edition RELEASED

Postby Stefan Pavlovic » 02 Sep 2012, 21:33

1 I can rename second outfit...(for Madrid ,Us open..) I read on first page...and tried but I didnt successful...can someone explain me
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Re: Sam's ATP Megapatch 2012 Edition RELEASED

Postby igorspb » 03 Sep 2012, 05:35

Quite impossible 2nd way without: Pak01 and Pak02 :s, what should I do ?
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Re: Sam's ATP Megapatch 2012 Edition RELEASED

Postby Amenothes » 03 Sep 2012, 20:21

Hi, is it possible to upload the 1st way patch on any other platform than singlefile ? It's way too slow and I really want to test your amazing patch :)
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