manutoo wrote:Hello,
no, you can't change any of that, except for the winner name.
Ask me again when the Alpha of TE4 will be ok and I'll try to make some of this stuff modifiable..!
amg986 wrote:Which game is that one??
amg986 wrote:How did you get those scoreboards? and the not mirror ads in the back?
PS: You are playing with me, that´s TE4, I have never seen that 3d court
amg986 wrote:Hello Letuan,
Thanks for the info. I read the thread but it looks like he never released the scoreboard.
Aside from that, that 3d stadium looks nowhere close from the ones we have at the moment, the amount of people in court, the umpire chairt, the dust in the lines..., how can i have that into te2013?
Am i missing something?
EDIT: I found where the court came from,
manutoo wrote:3) I forgot about some stuff about the TE2013 engine, but I doubt it as the stats exportation to the menus is pretty simple...
void CCourt::CStat :: PrintPercent(char *Section, char *Entry, float Part, float Total)
{ SE;
sprintf(m_Buf + m_Index, "%g / %g = %d%%", Part, Total, GetPercent(Part, Total));
Ini->SetValue(Section, Entry, m_Buf + m_Index);
void CCourt::CStat :: Save(char *Section, CStat &Other)
{ SE;
Section = CMenuManagerSys::GetIniText(Section);
m_Index = 0;
PrintPercent(Section, "1stServe", m_Stat[e_MS_1stServeIn].GetFloatChecked(), m_Stat[e_MS_1stServeTotal].GetFloatChecked());
Ini->SetValue(Section, "FastestServe", (int) (m_Stat[e_MS_FastestServe].GetFloatChecked() + 0.5f));
Ini->SetValue(Section, "FastestServeUs", (int) (m_Stat[e_MS_FastestServe].GetFloatChecked() * 0.621f + 0.5f));
float AvrSpeed = m_Stat[e_MS_1stServeIn]
? (m_Stat[e_MS_Avr1stServeSpeed] / m_Stat[e_MS_1stServeIn]).GetFloatChecked()
: 0.0f;
Ini->SetValue(Section, "Avr1stServeSpeed", (int) (AvrSpeed + 0.5f));
Ini->SetValue(Section, "Avr1stServeSpeedUs", (int) (AvrSpeed * 0.621f + 0.5f));
AvrSpeed = m_Stat[e_MS_2ndServeIn]
? (m_Stat[e_MS_Avr2ndServeSpeed] / m_Stat[e_MS_2ndServeIn]).GetFloatChecked()
: 0.0f;
Ini->SetValue(Section, "Avr2ndServeSpeed", (int) (AvrSpeed + 0.5f));
Ini->SetValue(Section, "Avr2ndServeSpeedUs", (int) (AvrSpeed * 0.621f + 0.5f));
Ini->SetValue(Section, "Ace", m_Stat[e_MS_Ace].GetFloatChecked());
Ini->SetValue(Section, "DoubleFault", m_Stat[e_MS_DoubleFault].GetFloatChecked());
PrintPercent(Section, "Win1stServe", m_Stat[e_MS_1stServeWon].GetFloatChecked(), m_Stat[e_MS_1stServeIn].GetFloatChecked());
PrintPercent(Section, "Win2ndServe", m_Stat[e_MS_2ndServeWon].GetFloatChecked(), GetFloatChecked(m_Stat[e_MS_2ndServeIn] + m_Stat[e_MS_DoubleFault]));
Ini->SetValue(Section, "Winner", m_Stat[e_MS_Winner].GetFloatChecked());
Ini->SetValue(Section, "UnforcedError", m_Stat[e_MS_UnforcedError].GetFloatChecked());
PrintPercent(Section, "BreakPoint", m_Stat[e_MS_BreakPointConverted].GetFloatChecked(), m_Stat[e_MS_BreakPointPlayed].GetFloatChecked());
PrintPercent(Section, "NetApproach", m_Stat[e_MS_NetApproachWon].GetFloatChecked(), m_Stat[e_MS_NetApproachTotal].GetFloatChecked());
Ini->SetValue(Section, "TotalPoint", m_Stat[e_MS_TotalPoint].GetFloatChecked());
static char *RallyLength[] = { "ShortRallyWon", "MediumRallyWon", "LongRallyWon" };
Ini->SetValue("Intern", "ShortRallyLength", es_MS_ShortRallyStrike);
Ini->SetValue("Intern", "MediumRallyLength", es_MS_MediumRallyStrike);
ForLoopD (i, 3)
PrintPercent(Section, RallyLength[i], m_Stat[e_MS_ShortRallyWon+i].GetFloatChecked(),
GetFloatChecked(m_Stat[e_MS_ShortRallyWon+i] + Other.m_Stat[e_MS_ShortRallyWon+i]));
Ini->SetValue(Section, "SetPointSaved", m_Stat[e_MS_SetPointSaved].GetFloatChecked());
Ini->SetValue(Section, "MatchPointSaved", m_Stat[e_MS_MatchPointSaved].GetFloatChecked());
Ini->SetValue(Section, "ReturnWinner", m_Stat[e_MS_ReturnWinner].GetFloatChecked());
int NbPointPlayedOnReturn = Other.m_Stat[e_MS_1stServeIn] + Other.m_Stat[e_MS_2ndServeIn] + Other.m_Stat[e_MS_DoubleFault],
NbPointLostOnReturn = Other.m_Stat[e_MS_1stServeWon] + Other.m_Stat[e_MS_2ndServeWon];
PrintPercent(Section, "PointWonOnReturn", NbPointPlayedOnReturn - NbPointLostOnReturn, NbPointPlayedOnReturn);
PrintPercent(Section, "GameWithBreakPoint", m_Stat[e_MS_BreakPointConverted].GetFloatChecked(), m_Stat[e_MS_GameWithBreakPoint].GetFloatChecked());
Ini->SetValue(Section, "RallyLength", m_Stat[e_MS_TotalRally]
? 0.1f * (int)((m_Stat[e_MS_TotalRallyStrikes] * 10 + (m_Stat[e_MS_TotalRally] >> 1)) / m_Stat[e_MS_TotalRally])
: 0.0f);
manutoo wrote:Here :
For TE4, I'll allow you to customize "%g / %g = %d%%" .
amg986 wrote:letuan1998vn, amazing work! can't believe you are that far off already, are you releasing those soon?
by the way manotoo, i love tennis elbow, and i really can't wait for te4, is there anyway financially or helping you with whatever you need to advance the works?...i really believe te4 on ps4, switch and xbox one would be a hit.
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