Questions about RankPerYear and upsets in simulated matches

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Questions about RankPerYear and upsets in simulated matches

Postby JaNeZoKu » 06 Jan 2018, 12:06


I've been wondering about the following:

01) In the Players.ini file, I'm troubled by the RankPerYear parameter. The problem I have is, how can I edit a player to be high ranked in doubles and low ranked in singles or vice versa. Or, how can I edit a player to be high ranked in both, singles and doubles? For example, in PlayersWTA.ini, there's Gigi Fernandez, who was a great doubles player (highest career ranking no.1, won many slams) and a solid singles player (highest career ranking no.17, did not win any slams). Her RankPerYear is set to following:

RankPerYear = 3, 4, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4

And the SingleDouble parameter is set to 0.85. I assume these RankPerYear values refer to her doubles career, but how can I predict/set her ranking for the singles career? For example, if I wanted her to achieve no.1 ranking in singles as well, what would I have to change?

--- --- ---

02) I've been searching around the forums about upsets frequency in simulated matches (would like upsets to happen a bit more often) and stumbled upon this So, you can add these lines to Player.ini file

- Inconstancy (equivalent of FormLowering)
- InconstPow ( = FormPow)
- Stress ( = StressLowering)
- StressPow

to modify how often and how much (when it happens) each individual player's form drops, and it will actually work in game? By modifying these values I could for example make certain high ranked players more inconsistent and have them lose to low ranked players more often and vice versa?

crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 68
Gaming Since: 16 Dec 2017, 01:31

Re: Questions about RankPerYear and upsets in simulated matc

Postby manutoo » 07 Jan 2018, 10:13


1) SingleDouble set to 0.25 (or possibly a bit more) should give good result both in Singles & Doubles

2) This topic was for TE2006. Now, it's in Tennis.ini for global tuning => topic11-2597.php ; and Constancy (replacing Inconstancy) & ColdBlood (replacing Stress) for each player.
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Re: Questions about RankPerYear and upsets in simulated matc

Postby JaNeZoKu » 08 Jan 2018, 22:32

I see. Many thanks for clarifying! :)

Btw, just discovered the magic of using the DevMode and the '*' button in career mode, this is so much fun. It's super for simulating seasons, love it! The fast, high-pitched sounds are also hilarious!
crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
Messages: 68
Gaming Since: 16 Dec 2017, 01:31

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