PLEASE HELP [Modding on Mac?]

Everything about Modding TE2013, from new courts to the modifications of the player & tournament bases (and including all the bugs they may be creating ! ;) )
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PLEASE HELP [Modding on Mac?]

Postby frythatchicken » 06 Jan 2018, 10:32

Can someone please help me setup latest mod fo MAC version of the full game. I've read these forums for 3 days and no one explains step by step how to do this.
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Gaming Since: 06 Jan 2018, 10:29

Re: PLEASE HELP [Modding on Mac?]

Postby manutoo » 07 Jan 2018, 10:00


if you have the AppStore version, read here => topic29-17005.php .

Else, check here : topic29-11960.php . In short, it works same than on Windows, and your Mods folder is here : "Documents/Tennis Elbow 2013/Mods" .
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