creation court 2D

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creation court 2D

Postby carumbale » 21 Nov 2017, 21:43

Hello to everyone,

I'm trying to create my first (hopefully not last..) court, I picked an already done by someone else to practive, Stanford. I have a little problem (thanks Manutoo for already helping me), when I'm on the game (devmod 1), I'm putting the court in position, without a problem, I close the game, and when I'm coming back, it doesn't recorded so I have to try and try again.
When I'm looking the video (topic29-10616.php), Theandrew's09 (thanks to you also if you read me!) close the game, change his picture and when he comes back, it's just like when he closed it before.
Can you tell me wy it's not working?

(I have wtamod2015 working, is it the problem? and I already re-install the entire TE, but unsuccessfully)

And I think I have a second problem before, in the file "tennis", when Theandrew's09 pick the part to copy in a new file, he has a part named "camera" that I have not anymore (why anymore? becore I had it the first time. Only one time...)



(and sorry for my english... :( )
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tennis fan
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Gaming Since: 19 Nov 2017, 20:36

Re: creation court 2D

Postby crel » 22 Nov 2017, 12:37

ok, so you use the numpad to put the court in the right position, fix it with " 9 ",
copy the camera-part from way down your current profile.ini ( f.e. default.ini at the Profiles-folder )
into the court.ini (paste) and it doesnt work ?
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crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: creation court 2D

Postby carumbale » 22 Nov 2017, 13:22

Thank you thank you thank you!!!
In the video, he didn't say the 9... So I recorded it without knowing how!
The rest is ok, my court is ok! Now it's going to be fun (I just have to make the right net to the court.. but I'll find out!)!

tennis fan
tennis fan
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Gaming Since: 19 Nov 2017, 20:36

Re: creation court 2D

Postby nico75 » 22 Nov 2017, 13:48

Thank you Crel, i needed that :D (i don't understand everything, but if you have tutorial in FRENCH it will be nice :) )
You make 2D courts only with photoshop?
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crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Re: creation court 2D

Postby carumbale » 22 Nov 2017, 14:10

For me it's photofiltre 7 (like photoshop) and paint (et oui en français ça serait pas mal.. je le ferais bien mais je découvre à peine donc...)
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tennis fan
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Gaming Since: 19 Nov 2017, 20:36

Re: creation court 2D

Postby nico75 » 22 Nov 2017, 14:26

Je ne suis pas le seul a connaître photofiltre alors! :D
J'utilise les 2, donc si jamais...Merci par avance et bonne creation :D
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crazy of the little yellow ball
crazy of the little yellow ball
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Gaming Since: 28 Jun 2012, 13:50

Re: creation court 2D

Postby carumbale » 22 Nov 2017, 15:28

toi aussi!
tennis fan
tennis fan
Messages: 17
Gaming Since: 19 Nov 2017, 20:36

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